Afghan refugees confront numerous challenges back home

Afghan refugees confront numerous challenges back home

The Afghan refugees were facing numerous challenges following their return to Afghanistan from Pakistan. The citizens were not being accepted by the Afghan citizens, as they were not allowed to bring their belongings with them.

Pakistan had welcomed the Afghan refugees decades ago, despite all the consequences the country had to face. But now the own country of the Afghan refugees is not willing to accept them.

The hospitality of Pakistan went on to be highlighted by the foreign media. According to the international report, Pakistan had not only welcomed the Afghan refugees by providing room to live their livelihood but also ensured the upholding of international laws by providing all the basic amenities of life.

The country had always proved to be responsible in terms of hosting the Afghan immigrants and providing more facilities to them as compared to other countries.

The Afghan citizens had expressed their view in connection with the restrictions they were facing following their return to Afghanistan.

‘’It is up to the Afghan government to allow us to bring our belongings with us so that we can earn our bread and butter, the way Pakistan allowed us about 40 years ago,’’ the Afghan citizens said.

The Afghan people said: ”It would be an immense joy if we got the facilities in Afghanistan like we used to get back in Pakistan”.