Cabinet internal rifts continue unabated


Navid Miraj

ISLAMABAD – In another episode of internal rifts in Prime Minister Imran Khan’s cabinet the Minister for Privatization and Advisor to PM on Finance have developed differences over holding meetings without consultation.

Sources in the Privatization ministry revealed that the minister for privatization had convened a few meetings at the privatization commission for which invitations were sent to various members of the Cabinet Committee On Privatization (CCoE). These meetings were also participated by some officials from the ministry of Finance as well.

Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance Hafiz Sheikh who by designation is the Chairman of CCoE and he did not take the issue lightly. In his opinion any meetings of the members of the CCoE can only be held with him in the chair. Hafiz Sheikh reportedly informed the Prime Minister about this violation of the procedures.

Prime Minister Imran Khan then spoke to the minister for Privatization and told him to take Hafiz Sheikh into confidence over such matters and not hold meetings of the CCoE members.