Calls for Suu Kyi release as lawmakers held


Ms Suu Kyi, who led the country’s elected government, has not been seen since she was detained by the military.

Hundreds of MPs also remain confined after soldiers surrounded their accommodation in the capital.

While no protests have been reported, there have been acts of defiance, including a strike by medical staff.

The military took power and declared a state of emergency on Monday after accusing Ms Suu Kyi’s party of fraud over its recent election win.

Her National League for Democracy (NLD), demanded her immediate release on Tuesday. It has also called upon the military to accept the results of the November election, which saw the NLD win more than 80% of the votes.

Myanmar, also known as Burma, was ruled by the armed forces until 2011, when democratic reforms led by Ms Suu Kyi ended military rule.

One day after the coup, the country appears to be in an uneasy calm. The streets remained quiet on Monday night and Tuesday morning, with troops patrolling all major cities and a night-time curfew in force.

The communications systems which had been disrupted on Monday had returned by Tuesday morning, with phone and internet connections running again.

On the streets of the main city, Yangon, people said they felt their hard-fought battle for democracy had been lost.

In a sign of civil disobedience, doctors working in government hospitals are reported as saying they will stop work from Wednesday to push for Ms Suu Kyi’s release.

Some medics are resorting to wearing symbols in silent protest.

At least one doctor has quit in protest.

Dr Naing Htoo Aung, a 47-year-old anaesthesiologist at Mongywa Hospital in Sagaing Region, told Sources: “Such coups cannot be tolerated at all. I resigned because I couldn’t work under a military dictator who did not care about the country and the people. This is the best response I can give to them.”