CEC orders arrest of minister’s son for ‘vote rigging’ in Narsingdi

CEC orders arrest of minister's son for 'vote rigging' in Narsingdi

DHAKA, JAN 7: The Chief Election Commission has ordered the arrest of Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun’s son on charges of electoral fraud in Narsingdi.

Voting at the Ibrahimpur Government Primary School centre in Belabo Upazila was suspended shortly after 8 am on Sunday, according to bdnews24.com.

Humayun is seeking re-election from Narsingdi-4 with the Awami League’s ticket. His main rival for the seat is Saiful Islam Khan Biru, a member of the Narsingdi District Awami League advisory committee, who is running as an independent.

Witnesses said that shortly before the polls opened, Humayun’s son Manjurul Majid Mahmud Sadi entered the voting centre and forcefully stamped the Awami League’s electoral symbol, the ‘boat’, on 12 ballot books.

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35 minutes ago
Candidates’ free rickshaw rides to polls raise little interest

Published :

Jan 07, 2024 16:44
Updated :

Jan 07, 2024 16:50
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In a bid to boost the turnout, candidates in the Dhaka-5 constituency mobilised a fleet of battery-run rickshaws and autorickshaws to transport voters to polling centres on election day.

Md Mamun, the driver of a rickshaw hired by independent candidate Kamrul Hasan Ripon, said he started taking passengers early on Sunday but ended up only taking 15-20 voters to the polling centres.

The voters did not have to pay for the rides, but they had to arrange transport for returning home after casting ballots as the rickshaw pullers were in a rush to get new voters from the specific area.

Mamun said the agents of ‘eagle’ candidate Ripon did not fix his wage, but he hopes for good pay for the service.

Md Alam, another rickshaw-puller transporting the voters to polling centres, also expressed his frustration over the low voter turnout in the constituency. Both Mamun and Alam faced difficulties in getting voters despite the transport being provided out of cost.

Abbas Uddin, another rickshaw-puller hired by the another independent candidate, said the politicians and their family members were the ones using the vehicles most often.

“I spent the entire day in front of the polling centre but saw only a handful of voters,” said Abdul Khalek, a rickshaw puller hired by the Awami League candidate.

The voter turnout was relatively low all day at the polling centres in the Dhaka-5 constituency. Two centres at Demra Primary School were almost empty despite crowds of leaders and activists outside the centre. The authorities used a loudspeaker from a nearby madrasa to urge voters to visit the polling centres.

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Candidates’ free rickshaw rides to polls raise little interest
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Jatiya Party being used as sacrificial lamb in polls : GM Quader
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Jatiya Party being used as sacrificial lamb in polls : GM Quader

Published :

Jan 07, 2024 15:39
Updated :

Jan 07, 2024 15:43
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Jatiya Party (JP) Chairman GM Quader on Sunday said a one-party rule will be established in the country by sacrificing JP candidates at the end.

He said his party is being used as a sacrificial lamb for this purpose.

“As we have joined the election, there is no scope of boycotting it right now. We have to announce programmes after getting the polls results,” Quader said while replying to a query from reporters after overseeing polls in Rangpur-3 constituency.

He said, “I have received information that our agents are being driven away in various places including Jamalpur and Cumilla. Though the rulling party assured JP that voting would be free and fair, voting is not being held in a peaceful manner in most places except Rangpur areas,” said GM Quader.

“I don’t want to say anything in advance. We will discuss the overall situation with the party leaders and take a decision,” he said replying to another question.

Candidates’ free rickshaw rides to polls raise little interest
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Candidates’ free rickshaw rides to polls raise little interest
Jatiya Party being used as sacrificial lamb in polls : GM Quader
2 hours ago
Jatiya Party being used as sacrificial lamb in polls : GM Quader
Voter turnout is satisfactory: Biplab Barua
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Voter turnout is satisfactory: Biplab Barua
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Supporter of ‘boat’ candidate found dead in Cumilla
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Philippines enacts new law that makes paying taxes easier
Rizvi claims that ballot boxes are stuffed even in one-sided election
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Rizvi claims that ballot boxes are stuffed even in one-sided election
18.5pc voter turnout till noon
4 hours ago
18.5pc voter turnout till noon
2 hours ago
Voter turnout is satisfactory: Biplab Barua

Published :

Jan 07, 2024 15:11
Updated :

Jan 07, 2024 15:20
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Awami League (AL) Office Secretary Barrister Biplab Barua on Sunday said that the turnout of voters in the 12th parliamentary election is satisfactory despite the terrorism and anti-election activities of BNP.

“Despite BNP’s anti-election propaganda and attempts to create panic among the public, the voter turnout across the country is satisfactory,” he said at a press conference organised at the Dhaka District AL office in city’s Tejgaon area.

Noting that the acceptable presence of voters at the polling centres is a victory for democracy, he said the Election Commission (EC) and the Prime Minister had announced that the election would be neutral.

The balloting is being held in a peaceful manner in the country so far except some sporadic incidents, he said.

No vote rigging has taken place and the complaints of the anti-election evil forces are not acceptable, he added.