COMSATS Represented At World Science Forum.


The COMSATS participated in the World Science Forum (WSF), held at Budapest, Hungary. The forum was opened by Dr. JánosÁder, President of Hungary and Prof. László Lovász, President of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), at the Budapest Palace of Arts.

On their return, the representatives of COMSATS Headquarters,EngQaiser Nawab and EngFiaz Ahmad, briefing said that the forum centered around the theme “Science, Ethics and Responsibility” was organized by Hungarian Academy of Sciences’ known as MTA in collaboration with WSF partner organizations, including International Science Council (ISC), Inter-Academy Partnership (IAP), European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).More than 1100 participants including scientists and researchers, educationists, policy-makers, leaders, media and civil society representatives from over 100 countries gathered to discuss the future role, funding mechanisms, conduct and the dissemination of scientific findings.

The four-day event covered various topics ranging from education, research, water science, food systems to leadership, democracy, Science Communication, and Science Diplomacy. The Forum featured 50 sessions during which 150 speakers discussed various issues pertinent to the themes of the event. A Declaration signed as an outcome of discussions and deliberations made recommendations vis-à-vis the following: leveraging the potential of science for global well-being; strengthening global standards for research integrity; fulfillment of academic freedom and human right to science; and the responsibility and ethics of communicating science.

The Forum was also utilized for networking with the delegates and important officials attending. These included HRH Princess Sumayabint Hassan, President of COMSATS Centre of Excellence in Jordan, i.e., Royal Scientific Society, and Dr.Bonginkosi Emmanuel Nzimande, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology of South Africa. Other delegates met from COMSATS’ member and non-member states belonged to: Italy; Germany; USA; Japan; United Kingdom; Hungary; Poland; Belgium; and France. Meetings were also held with representatives from Hungarian educational institutions and diplomatic missions of Pakistan to Hungary and Belgrade. Avenues of cooperation were explored with these officials to strengthen mutual cooperation.