Conference on “Myth of Indian Secular Democracy: Human Rights Violations and Rise of Saffron Tide under BJP” organized


ISLAMABAD, FEB 28 /DNA/ – A Conference on “Myth of Indian Secular Democracy: Human Rights Violations and Rise of Saffron Tide under BJP” was jointly organized by Press Information Department (PID), Federal Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of Pakistan & Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad at Information Service Academy, Islamabad.

The Conference commenced with speech by Ashfaq Ahmed Gondal, Former Federal Secretary Information and Broadcasting & Vice President (Federal Region), Center for Global &Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad.

He stated that it is impossible for other communities to live safely and comfortably in India. From the beginning, it is very clear that India has been a fascist Government.

It is not Bharat or India, it is only Hindustan, a land for Hindus. We can see what is happening in Kashmir and no one is bothered about the atrocities being committed by India in Kashmir.

He stated that the atrocities are continued in India and still they claim to be the largest democratic and secular state of the world.

Ambassador Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi Qureshi, Former Ambassador of Pakistan to Bangladesh and New Zealand presented speech on “Minority Crisis in India and False Façade of Secularism: Questioning the Status Quo”. He stated that Hindutva ideology has always been there in India and now it has been further escalated due to Hindu fundamentalists.

India has its own difficulties and challenges and today, the nationalist Indians are worried about its future. India has always been divided into different states and groups. International media is silent about the Kashmir issue. It claims RSS as nationalist movement which is completely false and untrue. It has always been a fundamentalist party. According to RSS ideology, Muslims are hissing snakes. Furthermore, he stated that Hindu fundamentalism is not a temporary ideology, it is a permanent phenomenon. 

Dr Zafar Nawaz Jaspal, Professor, School of Politics and International Relations (SPIR), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad presented speech on “BJP-RAW nexus: Detrimental to Peace and Stability in South Asia and Beyond”. He stated that any intelligence agency is at the complete disposal of the ruling Government. The ideology of RAW and BJP is aggressive which after convergence is the reason for instability in the region. BJP’s manifesto is based on Hindutva philosophy. He discussed that BJP become popular in 1982, when it used anti- Pakistan slogans while campaigning. 5th generation and hybrid warfare is important in this regard and asymmetrical warfare tactics are being used. He stated that India is targeting our economic projects. The neighbors of India have also suffered as it always tried to imposed its hegemony at the borders.

Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali, Dewan of Junagadh State and Chairman MUSLIM Institute presented speech on “Indian occupation of Junagadh &Manavadar—Acts of Blatant Aggression by India”. He highlighted three major aspects of history. He discussed that before partition, princely states had the right to determine their independence. However, India did blatant violations of sovereignty by using coercive means and forcefully annexed those states. He also discussed Indian illegal actions in Junagardh, including human rights violations, riots and hindering food supply chain. He stated that there is a need to build correct narrative by understanding actual historical events and facts.

Advocate Jamal Aziz, Advocate High Court and Executive Director, Research Society of International Law presented speech on “Stark violation of human and minority rights in India: Assessing obligations under International Law”. He discussed complex legal aspects related to Kashmir under Indian atrocities. It is important to discuss the role of international law in narrative building. It is significant to use national law to secure our own goals. He stated that there is a need to build our “one” domestic narrative and reach out to international organizations. He suggested that there is a need to develop our own capacities to eradicate vulnerability in order to tackle Indian hostile propaganda under the International law.

Mr. Tariq Malik, Information Technology & Cyber Security Expert & Head of Program, IT & Cyber Security, Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS),Islamabad gave a detailed presentation on ‘’Fifth-Generation Warfare and EU disinformation lab revelations: Uncovering India’s hostile agenda.’’ He explained the concept of hybrid warfare and mentioned various aspects. He stated that India is using different techniques to change mindset of our youth. He also discussed National Security from Technology Perspective. In 21st century, except few, every war is a technology-based conflict, it does not have clear battles lines that who is attacking who and where. There is also lack of realization that we are under attack. He discussed the report “Indian Chronicles”. The main objective is to create fake news specially about human rights in Pakistan and use of Members of the European Parliament in favor of India and against Pakistan. He suggested that we must formulate a cohesive national response to this form of threat. The responsibility lies with the policy makers and all elements of National Power. With a change of paradigm Grey-Zone Hybrid warfare is the future of warfare. Thus, we in Pakistan must embrace this reality and prepare at all levels of policy, doctrine, strategy and pro-active strategy.

Dr. Muhammad Khan, Professor of Politics and IR at International Islamic University, Islamabad presented speech on ‘’India’s flawed policies and discrimination towards Non-Hindu Community: Analyzing the Sikh Uprising and Khalistan Movement.’’ He stated that the ruling BJP has been officially following Hindutva as its ideology for decades. Through a massive campaign against Muslim, the majority minority group in India, forming over 16% of total population, Indian Muslim are discriminated, humiliated and forced to convert in Hinduism or else, leave India. He stated that the time has proved that founding father of India were indeed the architect of today’s Hindu India. PM Modi and BJP only get the credit of implementing the agenda of their forefathers. India’s flawed policies and discriminations towards Non-Hindu Communities is directly threatening the regional peace which may have global ramifications.

The Conference was attended by approximately 120 participants and was moderated by Ms. Laraib Fatima Hassan, Coordination & Communication Executive, CGSS.