Cuba and Pakistan hold political consultations



HAVANA. The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anayansi Rodríguez Camejo, and her Pakistani counterpart, the Additional Foreign Secretary for Americas, Faisal Niaz Tirmizi, agreed to evaluate as fruitful the 5th Round of Bilateral Political Consultations, which were held virtually today. Both delegations exchanged views on issues of common interest in the bilateral, regional and international agenda.

The Pakistani diplomat thanked Cuba for the solidarity and selfless assistance provided after the devastating earthquake that struck Pakistan in October 2005 and highlighted the training of more than 900 Pakistani doctors in the Island.

The Cuban Deputy Minister recognized Pakistan’s historic stance condemning the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States government against our country. The DM also thanked her Pakistani counterpart for the Nishan-i-Pakistan distinction, the highest civil order conferred by the Pakistani government, which was posthumously awarded to the historical Leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, in 2018, for his altruism and selfless help to the Pakistani people.

Within the framework of the Political Consultations, both delegations agreed to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various areas such as biotechnology, education, culture, sports and disaster management. Additionally, they exchanged views on the potential to jointly face Covid-19 and boost economic and commercial ties.

Both parties announced that a Cooperation Agreement will be signed between the Pakistani Foreign Service Academy and the Higher Institute of International Relations “Raúl Roa García”, in order to promote contacts and cooperation in the scientific and educational fields.

The Political Consultations took place in a fraternal atmosphere, in line with the cordial and friendly relations between both nations, based on mutual respect and cooperation for the benefit of their peoples.