Dealing with Afghans: instead humble, polite procedure could be meaningful

Dealing with Afghans

Shamim Shahid

From last several weeks, crackdown against Afghan nationals is in progress throughout the country, especially in Karachi whereas biggest population of Pukhtoons exists. As a result of crackdown, hundreds of Afghans including women and children are being arrested, detained and later on forcibly deported to Afghanistan. However, in Karachi like city a large number of Pushtoons have also been arrested but later on made free on showing their original National Identity Cards, issued by NADRA and other related documents issued them by lawful authorities of Pakistan.

Whatever may be results of this crackdown against the Afghans but it generated anger and unrest not only amongst the Afghans scattered throughout the country but also at different international forums. Besides, illegally residing Afghans, the law enforcing agencies are also picking up and detaining those Afghan nationals who are in possession of POR ( Proof Of Registration) and Afghan Citizens Cards (ACC), issued by NADRA with collaboration of UNHCR. On such grounds, the Afghan Refugees Commissionerate had addressed a letter to Inspector General Police Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to  stop arrest of those people who are in possession of POR and ACC.

But the situation was further aggravated when caretaker Prime Minister Anwar Ul Haq Kakar time and again repeated the words insisting on repatriation of Afghans to their motherland and the Federal Interior ministry directed provinces to come up with data of Afghans either are in possession of cards and documents or illegally residing. Besides others, the Taliban leaders and commanders who are in occupation of important offices are also showing concern and resentment over crackdown against countrymen in Pakistan.

According to UNHCR data at the moment, around 2.780 million Afghans are residing in Pakistan. Amongst them 1.3 million are in possession of POR cards, 0.88 million are in possession of ACC and the remaining 600,000 are stated illegal or in lack of proper registration and other documents validating their stay. All these around 600,000 people entered Pakistan after fall of Kabul to Taliban on August 15th 2021 last. However certain officials believe that strength of Afghan nationals in Pakistan is over three million.

Compare to 2022, volunteer repatriation of Afghans to their motherland from Pakistan is encouraging in current calendar year. Last year around 6035 individuals returned to Afghanistan whereas till end of August 2023, more than 10600 people returned to Afghanistan. Couple of days back, Pakistan allowed return of those Afghans who are lacking POR and ACC cards through Afghanistan National Identity Cards called Tazkira. Getting opportunities over 60,000 people have crossed over Torkham to Afghanistan during a period of three days.

No one can deny the fact that increasing economic crises of Pakistan also affecting the Afghan nationals and now almost of jobless, poor are making efforts to go back. However, they considering host government’s policies a major hurdle before them. Earlier in end of 80’s, 90’s and even after 9/11 till 2015, Pakistan had permitted all Afghans to take away all belongings along with. But now these people are compelled to go empty hands.

Couple of days back, the Afghan Jirga in its meeting at Karachi while showing resentment over arrests and detention, requested Pakistan to review its crackdown focused policies as they wants repatriation to the motherland with honour and dignity. Former long term diplomat in Pakistan Abdul Jabbar Naeemi, has also asked Pakistani authorities to review its decisions of arrests, detention and finally forced deportation to Afghanistan. Similarly almost nationalist parties like Awami National Party, Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party, Quami Watan Party and others are also unhappy with policies of sticks and guns. Even while addressing rallies and meetings at Karachi, ANP Khyber Pakhtunkhwa President Aimal Wali Khan threatened staging protests against Sindh government if it continue arrests of those Afghans who are in possession of cards and documents.

Due to external aggression and internal hostilities, the Afghans are depending in Pakistan since mid of 70’s. During this period millions of Afghans remained as refugees and dwellers of tent villages and mud houses throughout the country. Unfortunately, almost state organs of Pakistan has followed policies if US led allies- which is considered major stakeholder in the decades old Afghan conflict. After Mujahideen,  Pakistan had also used the Taliban, particularly its Haqqani faction a “stick yard” for safeguarding its interests in Afghan conflict. But first the Geneva Accord of April 1988 had affected Pakistan when three out of seven Jehadic parties refused to continue its participation in armed resistance against former USSR installed regime of Dr. Najib Ullah. Pakistan suffered the second set back when its most loyal Engineer Gulbadin Hekmatyar kept away from Kabul after fall of Dr. Najib Ullah government. During this period, Pakistan made a visible return from 1996 till November 2001 with patronization of Taliban first regime. Similarly post 9/11 situation was considered a severe setback for Pakistan. However, despite jubilating fall of Kabul to Taliban in mid of August 2021 last, now Pakistan is considered a stranger in Afghanistan as US is indirectly monopolizing Afghanistan’s internal and external policies through Qatar and Saudi Arab.

Keeping in view the ground realities, Afghanistan is seem no more depending in Pakistan. Almost of its transit trade has been diverted to Iran and other Central Asian Republics. The new economic phenomenon of “One Belt One Road” has made highlighted the importance’s of Afghanistan instead. On certain issues, almost high ranking Taliban ( Emirate Islami Afghanistan) leaders publically expressing reservations over Pakistan’s Afghan policies. Chief of Jamiat Ul Ulema Islam F Maulana Fazal Ur Rahman has recently suggested, “constitution of a joint commission” for settling issues between Pakistan and Afghanistan. In past suggestions of recommendations of such type of bodies proved nothing else a futile exercise due to lacking of confidence in each others.

Pakistan is still in commanding position on the issue of Afghanistan and its positive role could compensate all of previous losses and setbacks. It is the time to make assemble effective public opinion makers across a table for suggesting ways and means first to help in ensuring of a durable and sustainable peace and stability in war devastated Afghanistan which might be helpful in repatriation of Afghans. Secondly to create an atmosphere for the promotion of trade and business with almost of CAR states, which is possible with building up trust and confidence in Afghans not only in armed, religious or a political group or party. It is the time for Pakistan to review its acts and action based policies towards Afghanistan as “neighbours could be proved nice business partners” instead making them hostile and enemies.”