Emirates to operate extra flights for upcoming Hajj season


ISLAMABAD, Jun 25 (DNA): With the significant demand for air travel
during Hajj, Emirates is deploying extra flights to ensure more
connectivity for the scores of pilgrims making their way to the Holy
City of Makkah.

Emirates will be operating special flights to Jeddah and Medina during
the upcoming Hajj season to carry pilgrims for this special period.

Emirates will be deploying 31 additional flights to Jeddah and double
daily flights to Medina from 23 June to 20 July to help transport
pilgrims to carry out one of the key pillars of Islam. These services
will run in parallel with Emirates’ regularly scheduled services.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has greatly expanded its Hajj participation
this year to nearly a million pilgrims. This year, Emirates has seen
strong demand for Hajj travel from Indonesia, Pakistan, India,
Bangladesh, Nigeria, Turkey, Egypt, Ethiopia, Malaysia, the UK, US, UAE
and Algeria.

The special services are available to travellers holding a valid Hajj
visa. Pilgrims must also be under the age of 65, hold a valid
vaccination certificate with a vaccine authorised by the Saudi Ministry
of Health, and must also carry a negative PCR test done within 72 hours
of departure.

Given the significance of the once-in-a-lifetime Hajj experience, the
airline’s teams have been working hard to ensure that every detail of
the pilgrim’s experience is aligned with the tenets of their faith.

On the ground in Dubai, Emirates has a special Hajj airport team to help
manage check-in, transfers, and helping to facilitate a seamless and
convenient on ground experience for Hajj pilgrims. Emirates has also set
up dedicated check-in and transfer counters for Hajj passengers
transiting in Dubai. For Hajj travellers having a longer layover in
Dubai before continuing on to Jeddah or Medina, dedicated teams are on
hand to escort those groups and support them on all of their arrival

 From the moment pilgrims step onto the aircraft, a range of initiatives
have been planned in keeping with the values and traditions of the Hajj

Extra provisions to accommodate Hajj traveller needs such as ablution
cleansing rituals, unperfumed towels, advising passengers while en route
to Jeddah about when they have entered Al Miqat zones (state of
sanctity) and changing of Ihram robes through special PAs, and other
arrangements have been planned to ease their journey and ready them for
the rest of their pilgrimage. Emirates’ award winning ice system will
also feature a special Hajj video that covers safety, general
formalities and information about performing the Hajj pilgrimage.
Pilgrims will also be able to tune into the Holy Quran channel, in
addition to other religious content.

On flights from Jeddah, passengers can check-in up to 5 litres of holy
water (Zamzam), which will be placed in special areas in the cargo hold.