Extension of service chief’s tenure commendable act

Extension of service chief's tenure commendable act

Javeria bint Rabbani

The increase in the tenure of the army chief and the rest of the service chief is a good thing. Trafficking increased and in the recent past, after 9/11, US forces destroyed Afghanistan for 20 years. The Pakistan Army and other security agencies are helpless against them. Terrorism is increasing and our young men are martyring them selves while fighting this temptation of Khawarij. The series of terrorism is increasing and our men are martyred while fighting against this temptation. The extension of the service chief’s tenure is a commendable decision for the army Recent Amendment to Services Act by the Parliament has been well received by people from all walks of life especially members of the Armed Forces’ community.

With almost all having consensus on the fact that three years tenure for the Services Chiefs is too less to affect any long-term changes; enhancement of the same to five years will assist in addressing such obvious predicaments.

On the other hand, credible senior sources in the military have confided that another major shortcoming for a relatively limited tenure of three years was availability of more controls with political forces who had been maintaining intrusive influence over military i.e. politicization of the military.

When compared with other modern militaries of the world, this enhancement in service limit of the Services Chiefs is nothing new but in line with them. For example in US it is 4 years, UK 3-4 years, China 5 years, Germany 3-5 years & France 4 years.

Also, several researches in the world vividly enunciate that a relatively longer period of the Services Chiefs assists in making militaries independent and immune from interference from outside world. Thus, Chiefs are not only able to take decisions which benefit not only the militaries alone in mid to long term but also assist the countries as a whole.

Notwithstanding above, this enhanced tenure limit of the Services Chiefs will definitely accrue several other important advantages as well including continuation of policies, adequate time for implementation of perceived vision, greater stability and bridging trust deficit between the Government and the Services Chiefs which has been bitter at times in the past in Pakistan.

In sum, this enhancement in age limit of Service Chiefs will further add to the professionalism of the Armed Forces while making the institution immune to interference by the political parties while providing additional leverage to the Chiefs for maintaining intrusive influence over military affairs -a win-win situation both for the ArmedIt will be beneficial for both the armed forces and the country.

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