Foreign Ministers of Pakistan, Afghanistan hold meeting



ANKARA – Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi met with Foreign Minister of Afghanistan Hanif Atmar on the sidelines of Antalya Diplomacy Forum (ADF) on 19 June 2021. Views were exchanged on issues of mutual interest, including Afghan peace process, bilateral trade and economic relations.

Underlining that close coordination is essential to further advance the bilateral relations and Afghan peace process, the Foreign Minister reaffirmed Pakistan’s consistent policy towards Afghanistan to strengthen bilateral relations in all areas and achieve a peaceful and stable Afghanistan. He reiterated that there was no military solution to the conflict in Afghanistan and expressed hope that Afghan leadership would realize the importance of the occasion and workout a negotiated political settlement. Peace in Afghanistan will bring stability, economic prosperity and regional connectivity.

Foreign Minister Qureshi also underlined the need to engage through agreed diplomatic channels instead of public blame game, which only serves to vitiate the environment and strengthens the hand of spoilers. The Foreign Minster reaffirmed the importance of utilizing the relevant forums including Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity (APAPPS) to address all bilateral issues.

Highlighting the importance of border sustenance markets, Foreign Minster remarked that the project would contribute to the economic uplift of people living in border areas of the two countries. He urged the Afghan side to expedite its early finalization.

Foreign Minster Qureshi reiterated his invitation to Foreign Minister Atmar for a bilateral visit to Pakistan.