Gandapur’s handing over to Punjab police on ‘Namaloom’s orders condemnable: Imran


Warns division in SC to be a tragic

ISLAMABAD, APR 14 /DNA/ – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan said the judicial magistrate handed over Ali Amin Gandapur to Punjab Police on orders of “Namaloom” (unknowns) in sheer violation of the Islamabad High Court’s (IHC) order.

In a statement on Friday, PTI Chairman strongly condemned the way PTI senior leader Ali Amin Gandapur was being treated clearly on orders of the “Namaloom”.

Imran Khan said that despite IHC inductive order viz handing over custody, he was handed over to Punjab police by Judicial Magistrate at 11 40 pm the other day in brazen violation of IHC Court order.

Talking about division within judiciary, PTI Chairman said that everyone should pray for unity among the judges in the Supreme Court and warned that division at the top court would be tragic. Imran Khan stated that the division among the apex court would be a tragedy for the country.

“Unless we do not save the Constitution, you cannot save the country either,” he added.

Lashing out the imported government for running away from elections, PTI Chairman reiterated that these cabal of crooks did not care about the Constitution and the law, as they just wanted to secure another NRO to save their own skins.

Imran Khan went on to say that constructive criticism of institutions was a hallmark of democracy, ad society ruined without criticizing and highlighting the wrongdoings of the institutions.

PTI Chairman said that the democracy flourished across the world because of freedom of expression and dictatorship fast faded away since there was no place for constructive criticism.

Imran Khan alarmed that PTI’s leaders and works were being disappeared to frighten and terrorize our people, as their houses were being raided, adding that a country became a banana republic without rule of law.

Talking about PTI flagship Billion Tree Tsunami program, PTI Chairman shared past and present pictures of Agror, area of the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) on his twitter account and stated that for the first time, the greening of Pakistan happened on such a massive scale.