Russian Government is breaking the most fundamental rules of the international order before the eyes of the world: Baerbock


BERLIN: German Foreign Minister Baerbock while terming the attack on Ukraine illegal said  “After months of preparations, of lies and propaganda, President Putin decided to follow up his threats with egregious actions. With the military attack against Ukraine, the Russian Government is breaking the most fundamental rules of the international order before the eyes of the world. Russia alone has chosen this course. Over the past few months, we have spared no effort to try to find a peaceful solution to this Russia crisis through diplomatic channels. Russia did not respond to our offers of dialogue.

The Ukrainians have done nothing that could justify this bloodshed. The aim of this war is to destroy one thing above all – the hope of the people in Ukraine that, after decades without freedom, they would have a right to democracy, a right to peace and a right to a better future without oppression.

President Putin, you will never be able to destroy this dream. It is growing in Ukraine, and it is growing in your country, too. I am convinced that many people in Russia, too, will be ashamed at this attack and appalled that Russia’s name will be damaged for decades by the unscrupulous murder of their brothers and sisters in Ukraine. […]

We will launch the full package of the most severe sanctions against Russia. And we will strengthen our security and our allies. But […] this is not just about Europe. No country in the world can accept that the sovereignty of another state is called into question only because its stronger neighbour so decides. With our diplomatic networks across the world, we now call on all states which, like us, believe in the Charter of the United Nations to stand up to this aggression together.”

Germany is cognizant of the recent visit of H.E. Prime Minister Khan to Russia which was unfortunately overshadowed by this unspeakable act of aggression. Pakistan’s call for a peaceful and diplomatic solution is highly appreciated. We trust in Pakistan with whom we share a long-standing and multi-faceted relationship to use all its political and diplomatic weight to stand up to this blatant breach of international law.