HEC constitutes fact finding committee on alleged harassment, drugs issues in IUB


                MULTAN):Higher Education Commission (HEC) constituted a Fact Finding Committee to conduct a thorough and impartial inquiry into the alleged harassment, exploitation, victimisation of students and involvement of management in patronizing immoral activities and drugs in the premises of Islamia university Bahawalpur.

According to official sources, Pro Vice Chancellor Bahauddin Zakariya University Dr Muhammad Ali has been deputed as Head of the Committee. However, Lt Gen Retd Moazzam Ejaz (Rector National University of Technology Islamabad), Pro Dr Najma Najam (Pro Vice Chancellor Nur International University Lahore), Pro Tahira Aziz Mughal (Rector Imperial College of Business Studies Lahore), Dr Mazhar Saeed (Advisor (P&D, Finance HEC) are members of the Committee. The Fact Finding Committee has been tasked to conduct inquiry, evaluate the implementation of HEC’s policy on protection against sexual harassment in the higher education institutions, propose corrective and disciplinary actions, suggest recommendation and preventative measures. The fact finding committee will submit a report within 21 working days.