Imran asks supporters to prepare for ‘Jail Bharo Tehreek’


Time to stand up, nation without a vision died: Khan

Imran asks supporters to prepare for ‘Jail Bharo Tehreek’

Says economic stability unattainable sans political stability

Reveals efforts afoot to eliminate PTI so as twelfth man could come and win

LAHORE, FEB 4 /DNA/ – Pakistan Tehreek-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan asked his workers and supporters to prepare for “Jail Bharo Tehreek’ (fill the prison movement) across the country to protest the high-handedness of the government of crooks so as to fulfill their desire to put us all in jail and let them know as well where does actually the nation stand.

During his televised address via video link from his Zaman Park house on Saturday, PTI Chairman announced that the workers and the nation should prepare for the movement and wait for his call, as ‘Nation without a vision died’.

Imran Khan made it clear that the PTI could have opted for a nationwide strike to bringing the whole country’s machinery to a grinding halt, but due to the worsening economic situation which will deteriorate even further, they chose to fill the prisons as part of their agitation against the cabal of crooks.

PTI Chairman further said that millions of people were ready to fill jails. “We are not scared of getting arrested and his party will not remain silent on the worst violence being inflicted on his party’s members and as will soon announce a ‘Jail Bharo Tehreek’,” he added.

Imran said that they have been facing a worse treatment than under former dictator General (retired) Pervez Musharraf when he was put into jail.

“They have been lodging cases against my party members, arresting them and subjecting them to custodial torture while violating our basic human and legal rights,” he added.

Imran Khan said that cases were made against Shahbaz Gill, Azam Swati, Fawad Chaudhry and Sheikh Rashid. He said Shandana Gulzar was being treated like a “terrorist’ and cases were lodged against her.

“Azam Swati was tortured in front of his children and granddaughters, while Fawad Chaudhry was arrested at 4 am and those who spoke against the regime change were oppressed,” he added

PTI Chairman went on to say that senior journalists Imran Riaz was arrested again and others who opposed the regime change conspiracy were being constantly harassed and intimidated.

Imran Khan said that he was unable to lodge an FIR for the attack on him. He reiterated that the investigation report of the JIT submitted before the court established there were three attackers and not one as claimed by the imported government. Further, there were five unidentied men in the CTD office.

However, he said that the Punjab caretaker government stopped the JIT from working which clear showed that the powerful persons were behind the assassination plan; hence they used all options to save their own skin. 

Imran Khan went on to say that it was all part of the bigger plan to intimidate the opposition and weaken them so that the cases against those hiding in London can be quashed and allow them to return.

Hitting out at the imported government over the economic meltdown, Imran Khan reiterated that the crooked PDM government imposed through conspiracy ruined the economy because they did not have any roadmap to put the country back on the track. He expressed his apprehension that these inapt and crooked gang would drift the country to the point of no return because they had even no stake in the country.

He said that these corrupt group stashed all their looted wealth abroad and would flee the country as they did in the past. Imran Khan urged that nation to wake up now, otherwise everyone would be responsible for its fate.

He said that economic stability cannot be attained without political stability, as how investors would do billions of investment in such an uncertain political environment, where openly constitution and laws were being violated, because there was no rule of law.

Imran Khan said that dollars alarming rise could open a floodgate of inflation that would further compound the miseries of inflation-ridden and poverty-stricken masses.

Talking about imported government plan to run away from the elections, he said that it was constitutionally binding to hold elections in 90 days after dissolution of the assemblies, they have been trying to harass and intimidate or arrest us and weaken us to the point where they can delay elections because they are scared to face humiliating defeat.

However, he said that there were attempts to eliminate the PTI from the competition and they would only opt to hold polls when provide favorable ground to the twelfth man hiding in London so that he could come and win.

“Today, the entire Pakistan is looking towards the judiciary,” he said. If elections go beyond 90 days, it will mean there is no democracy or rule of law in this country,” Khan maintained.

Imran Khan reminded the nation that Pakistan was created for a purpose so that future generations would know the reason for the creation of this country. He said that the foundation of the state of Madinah was laid on justice and fairness without which no state can prosper.

He said that the rule of law was necessary for the improvement of the economy and the nation that backs away from its ideology dies, if it does not wake up as a nation today, then everyone will be responsible for this situation.

Imran Khan said that huge sacrifices were rendered during Pakistan movement in order to make a country based on the principles of state of Madina, not a country where the mighty criminals were roaming freely and getting NROs while the poor were languishing in jails for petty crimes. PTI Chairman said that there was a system of ‘might is right’ and no justice for poor and weak.

Lashing out at the imported prime minister, Imran Khan said that people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa rendered a matchless sacrifices. He said the KP police fought the war against terrorism bravely and hundreds of their personnel martyred in their fight to establish peace in the country.  

He said that the people of KP especially of ex-FATA worried about the government plan to launch military operation that could be judged from the Friday’s protest demonstrations in the province where huge number of people participated.

Imran Khan revealed that after the merger of FATA into the KP, only the provinces of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa made contributions to the National Finance Commission award.

He said that PTI government built four new training police stations in nine year in the KP and one elite police training in Nowshera.