International Day for Persons with disabilities celebrated



ISLAMABAD: International Day for Persons with Disabilities was celebrated by Directorate General of Special Education at National Library Islamabad on 3rd December 2022. The Federal Minister for Ministry of Human Rights Mian Riaz Hussain Pirzada graced the occasion as Chief Guest.

 This event was made successful by the active participation of Persons / Children with Disabilities, teachers, therapists working for the disability, the renewed NGOs, Social Workers, Religious scholar, Civil Society and representatives of Ministry of Human Rights.

The Chief Guest Mian Riaz Hussain Pirzada, Federal Minister of Human Rights was delighted on celebration of this event by DGSE and appreciated the performance of PWDs.  Mr. Pirzada talked about on the current year theme of international day for PWD’s. “Transformative solutions for inclusive development: The role of innovation in fuelling an accessible and equitable world”. Due to the current technological advancement in the 21st century, every field of life has changed which has equally swap the life of PWD’s.

He therefore, emphasized on the incorporation of technological advancement in the field of disability to make PWD’ and CWD’s inclusive and participative in the society. He said that Persons with Disabilities are the precious asset of this country, if they are provided with opportunity of education and rehabilitation; they can prove themselves even better than the persons without disability. They have proved in every field of life from sports to professional skills and have raised the name of nation and Pakistan in the world.

Government of Pakistan is facilitating the Persons with Disabilities and will further enhance the resources for the betterment of disability related issues. At the end of event, the Chief Guest commingled with the special children and other participants of event.

Sheikh Azhar Sajjad, Director General of Special Education,   in his well come address, said that the Directorate General of Special Education & its affiliated Institutes are engaged in rehabilitation, education & training of Persons / Children with Disabilities.

The graduates of these prestigious institutes are giving their due contribution in all fields of life. The Director General (SE) said that, Directorate General of Special Education is contributing in the training & capacity building of the professionals, teachers and supporting staff in the field of Special Education. He emphasized the need of technological advancement and incorporation in the educational and rehabilitative needs of CWD’s.  The children with Disabilities showed their hidden and special talent by performing the different tableaus / plays and speeches and entertained the participants. The participants of this celebration appreciated the performance of children with Disability. DNA