Israeli occupation of Harmon Heights after the Golan


Jawad Ahmad

 This is what  happens when the reflection and defense machinery of a state is busy suppressing the fire at home and ignores its borders and invests all its resources in stopping the rebellion, then the enemy easily and without any resistance takes the extreme measures of the country’s defense. Occupies the most important fronts. This has all happened in Syria and is still going on. Israel first occupied the Golan Heights and now it has also occupied the Harmon Heights. Harmon is a defensive barrier for Syria. What was Now the most important installations in Syria are on the target of Israeli artillery. Harmon is also called Jabal al-Sheikh in Arabic. This mountain range completes the southern end opposite Lebanon. The Israeli occupation of the hills can be a big blow for Syria. He had said that if you want to defeat a nation without a war, make immorality common in this society. He has observed in his country Pakistan, the army is the backbone of the country, if this backbone is broken, then the whole body is lying on the bed like a paralyzed person. Israel Hormone Heights He was sitting with his eyes closed Later, Israel is regularly starting to settle its people on these hills, now the same year protests will start, resistance resolutions and appeals to vacate the occupation will begin. Why did Israel need to occupy the highest hills of Syria? Let’s try to find out  Israel has captured Mt Hermon, the highest mountain in Syria, its peak reaching 2,814m.

Syria’s capital, Damascus, is only 40 km away, now within range of Israel’s artillery shells.

Here’s why Israel took this mountain:

For decades, Israel’s northern defenses were overshadowed by Syria’s Mt. Hermon.

No longer.

The most important natural fortress in the region is now in the hands of Israel.

Israel did it quietly, driving into Syria’s abandoned positions and taking them without a fight.

(When the National Military crumbles, the Nation gets raped in every dimension).

In last 72 hrs, Isreal has DESTROYED the Syrian Airforce.

Isreali sources are themselves claiming it to be the biggest victory against an Arab Airforce since 1967 war

Lesson : Once military crumbles, states are made naked.  The enemy then has a dance of the vampire