ISSI hosts “Next-Generation Strategic Cohort 2024’ moot


ISLAMABAD (DNA): The India Study Centre at the Institute of Strategic

Studies Islamabad (ISSI) organized a one-day workshop, titled

“Next-Generation Strategic Cohort 2024” as part of the series of

events aimed at engaging young academics and scholars in the

policy discourse relating to foreign policy and strategic issues in

South Asia. The workshop was attended by more than 28 young

researchers and experts from various think-tanks and Universities

from different parts of Pakistan.

In his opening remarks, Director India Study Centre Dr. Khurram

Abbas welcomed the participants and introduced the theme,

objectives and pattern of the event. The workshop was divided into

two working sessions.

In his remarks on the occasion, Director General ISSI Ambassador

Sohail Mahmood lauded the young scholars for their enthusiastic

participation in the event. He highlighted that the ISSI’s new vision

prioritised youth engagement and that the Institute was now

proactively drawing the next generation experts into the process

with new ideas and fresh perspectives. He stressed the importance of

developing a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the

intricate issues at hand, making more informed and insightful

evaluations, and suggesting more innovative approaches to

addressing the longstanding challenges and realizing the emerging


The first session consisted of three lectures, viz. ‘India-Pakistan

Bilateral relations: Prospects and Challenges for Normalization’;

‘Understanding Indian Strategic Culture and Political Thought

Process’; and ‘Emerging Technologies and Comprehensive National


In the second session, the young scholars were divided into six

groups with each group tasked to debate various issues — ranging

from security and foreign policy to trade and non-traditional threats

in South Asia — and propose a way forward. The ‘Mentors’ for the

young scholars in this session included Altaf Hussain Wani,

Chairman Kashmir Institue of International Relations; Ambassador

Riffat Masood, former Ambassador of Pakistan to Iran; Dr. Neelum

Nigar, Director Centre for Strategic Perspectives (ISSI); and Dr.

Shaheen Akhtar, Professor Department of IR, National Defence

University (NDU). The Mentors lauded the efforts of young

academics and researchers and emphasized the importance of in-

depth and rigorous thinking on issues of national security and

foreign relations.