Kazakhstan celebrates the 150th anniversary of the great wrestler kazhymukan munaitpasov


NUR SULTAN” Born in the beginning of April 1871 (1886) in the Karaotkel village of Akmola region.

Thanks to Kazhymukan Munaitpasov, physical culture and sports in Kazakhstan, in particular, Greco-Roman wrestling, began to emerge and develop. He was the only one in the pre-revolutionary period who managed to break into the international arena and glorify not only himself, but also his people in the sports arenas of many countries of the world.

 In 1904, on the recommendation of the famous Russian circus wrestler A. N. Zlobin, the very young Mukan Munaitpasov was admitted to the school of I. V. Lebedev in St. Petersburg, where he studied the circus art of classical wrestling from 1905 to 1907. Then he began performing in the circus troupe of the professional world champion wrestler Georg Lurich. Under the pseudonyms Yamagata Mukhanura, then – Kara-Mustafa, Mahmut and so on, he participates in various international competitions in French and freestyle wrestling. A short time later, Munaitpasov becomes the winner and prize-winner of all-Russian tournaments in Saratov, Kazan, Omsk, Troitsk, Ufa and other cities, as well as international championships in Moscow, Kiev, Riga, Minsk, Paris, Warsaw, Harbin. As part of a circus troupe, he toured the countries of South America, the Near and Middle East. In 1909-1911, he successfully fought against the strongest Turkish wrestlers. The trip turned out to be fateful for the athlete, as the recognition of his strength and talent during this tour in his name appeared the prefix “Kazhy” (“Khaji”) – who made a pilgrimage to holy places. The conquest of wrestling Turkey alone by Mukan was perceived by his Russian co-religionists that way.

          In 1909, Kazhymukan won a gold medal at the World Championship in French wrestling in Gothenburg (Sweden). He also became the strongest at the World Championship in Warsaw (1911). After a while, Munaitpasov becomes the winner and prize-winner of tournaments in Saratov, Kazan, Omsk, Troitsk, Ufa and other cities, as well as international championships in Moscow, Kiev, Riga, Minsk, Paris, Warsaw, Harbin. In 1913, in Troitsk, Munaitpasov defeated 18 wrestlers from different countries. Under the name Kara Ivan Munaitpasov defended the sporting honor of Russia in Kabul, Tehran, Harbin and other cities. In 1927, Central Executive Committee Kazakh Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic awarded Kazhymukan the honorary title “Hero of the Kazakh steppes”. In total, during the years of his performance he won 48 gold, silver, bronze medals, the famous “Sigismund’s belt” (1913-1915).

          In 1929-1931. The hero of the Kazakh steppes performed successfully in Petropavlovsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, in Altai. History has become the fact that Kazhymukan, with his authority, contributed to the release of relatives who were dispossessed and were deported in the Omsk region. The tragedy of the 30s – the famine – deeply saddened Kazhymukan, who did his best to help his fellow countrymen out of trouble. The Kazakh batyr also deserved the love of the entire Soviet people with his civil act in wartime. During the World War II, Kazhymukan performed with circus performances among the population, and transferred the proceeds to the Defense Fund. With these funds, a whole fighter plane was eventually built. Kazhymukan was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

          He died in 1948 in the village. Temirlanovka of the Aryss district of the South Kazakhstan region. In 1980, a memorial museum of Kazhymukan Munaitpasov was opened in the South Kazakhstan region. Since 1986, international tournaments in classical wrestling have been held for the prize after Kazhymukan Munaitpasov.