Land core issue in Palestinian struggle: PNC


RAMALLA (DNA) -Palestine National Council (PNC) has  said that the celebration of The Land

Day every year is an affirmation that the land is the core issue in our

struggle against the Israeli occupation, and an expression of the

Palestinian people’s adherence to the land of their forefathers and

grandparents and their rejection of the settler colonial policies and

procedures that target their national and historical presence on their


In a statement PNC issued for the 45th anniversary of this national day,

which will fall tomorrow, Tuesday, March 30th, PNC called on the

Palestinian people in all places of their presence to defend their land,

strengthen their national unity, and their resistance to occupation,

settlement and Judaization in all forms.

The Land Day, which came after the gift of the masses on the 30th of

March 1976 in response to the policy of seizing the land and the attempt

to Judaize the Palestinian Galilee, embodied the highest meanings of

sacrifice and redemption for our people who have the inherent right to

it in the face of Zionist colonialism, PNC said.

The Land Day strengthened the Palestinian national awareness of the

masses of our people in the Galilee, the Triangle and the Negev,

strengthened the bonds of unity between our people in the homeland and

the diaspora, and contributed to the formulation of the national

narrative in the face of the false and fabricated narrative of the

Zionist movement, PNC added and called on our people in the 1948

territories to adhere to unity and to miss the opportunity for the

Israeli occupation that tried and is still trying hard to penetrate the

national position and divert attention from the issue and the national


In its statement, PNC pointed to the seriousness of the settlement and

Judaization policies and measures implemented by the occupying power in

the Palestinian territories, especially in Jerusalem and the Jordan

Valley, warning against continuing the occupation, creating a Settlement

Ministry, providing tax facilities for settlers, and supporting and

protecting their terrorism against Palestinian people.

PNC indicated that the settlement attack today is intensifying on

Al-Bustan and Batn Al-Hawa neighborhoods in Silwan, Sheikh Jarrah, Wadi

Al-Joz, Walaja, and Qalandia Airport, to displace Palestinians and expel

them from the Holy City and change its cultural features to continue its

Judaization and impose an occupation fait accompli, in an attempt to

prevent its incorporation as the capital of the Palestinian state.

PNC called on Arab, regional and international federations and

parliaments to condemn the Israeli policy of ethnic cleansing, and to

strengthen their support for the Palestinian people and their legitimate

national rights, and to emphasize the prosecution of Israeli war

criminals by international courts and bring them to trial and not with


PNC also called on the United Nations and its institutions to implement

its decisions on the Palestinian issue and the necessity to activate

international binding mechanisms to implement these decisions, and to

oblige the occupying state to comply with international legitimacy to

end the occupation and enable Palestinian people to exercise their right

to return and self-determination in their independent state with

Jerusalem as its capital.

PNC concluded its statement by affirming that Palestinian people

everywhere continue to defend their land. PNC directs a salute of

reverence and exaltation to the souls of the martyrs, and the steadfast

heroic prisoners in the prisons and jails of the Israeli occupation.