Musharraf challenges special court’s decision in SC


Former military ruler Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf on Thursday challenged the special court’s verdict in the Supreme Court.

The petition comes days after the Lahore High Court had quashed the verdict given by the special court in the high treason case and declared the formation of the bench as “unconstitutional”.

The petition stated that the former president’s absence from the special court was not intentional and Musharraf was unable to appear before the court as he was suffering ill health and he had attained permission to travel abroad for further treatment.

It further stated that the special court had accepted Musharraf’s ailment but convicted the former president in absentia and added that the prosecution in the special court was ‘selective’.

The former military ruler, in his petition submitted before the apex court, stated that he was not an absconder and the prosecution failed to prove the treason case against him.

The petition further added that the government did not seek approval from the cabinet and legal requirements were not fulfilled.

Elaborating on his efforts for the country during his tenure, Musharraf said Pakistan had become among the four fastest developing countries of Asia.

It further stated that former prime minister Benazir Bhutto’s plea was also considered in her absentia.

Musharraf convicted 

In December last year, General (retd) Pervez Musharraf was convicted of high treason and sentenced to death by a special court in an unprecedented trial delayed by the absence of the septuagenarian former military ruler, who has been out of the country since 2016.