Nine months training for transgender on mental health, psychological social support completes

Nine months training for transgender on mental health, psychological social support completes

                PESHAWAR, Dec 01 (APP): A nine months training of transgender on mental health and psychological social support has been completed, empowering the vulnerable segment of society on proper handling of psychological stress and depression.

The training was conducted by Handicap International, an organisation working with collaboration of GIZ for support of people with disabilities and vulnerable populations.

The training focused on mental health of transgender community who faced neglect and deprivation causing psychological stress and depression, said Daud Rahim, MHPSS Trainer.

During the training the participants were educated about handling of mental stress, decision making, counselling skills, communication skills, self care,  etc.

They were also imparted training on Psychological First Aid (PFA) which can be conveyed to their colleagues.

The PFA training has enhanced capacity of the transgender about conflict resolution, decision making, problem solving and listening skills, Daud told APP.

He said some physical exercises were also done by participants through which the mental stress and depression can be reduced.

About the objectives of training, Project Officer, Rehan Liaqat apprised APP that transgender are highly marginalized community and due to deprivation in society and system, they are passing through a difficult phase of mental stress and psychological trauma.

The mental and psychosocial training helped raise awareness among the trans community of breaking the status quo and learn different skills to opt for a respectful source of livelihood.

Around 20 transgender selected for training expressed their resolve to learn different skills to come out from dependency syndrome of acting in pursuance of the desire of their gurus.

 “We want to perform normal life and for this purpose need support to learn some skills for breaking the status quo,” comments Devia, a trans person and beneficiary of the training.

The training has imparted a sense of independence among ourselves and a passion for resolving our problems on our own without depending on someone, Devia shared her experience.

She said the trans community wanted to find solutions for problems being faced by them but our societal norms and mentality of people does not allow them to come out of routine practices.

Koko, another beneficiary demanded acceptance for their gender by society and respectful response by people.

The treatment meted out by people to the trans community has made them mentally ill, forcing them to live in a state of melancholy and dejection, she commented.

Katrina, a trans rights activist, highly commended the initiative taken by Handicap International for steering the transgender community out of a life full of problems, deprivation and disrespect.