OGRA conducts public hearing in Lahore on SNGPL’s revenue requirement review

OGRA conducts public hearing in Lahore on SNGPL's revenue requirement review

ISLAMABAD, 11 DEC /DNA/ – The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority holds public hearing at Lahore to on the Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL’s) petition for Review of its Estimated Revenue Requirement / Prescribed Prices for F.Y.2023-24.

The petitioner has projected a shortfall in its revenue requirement at Rs. 179,160 million, including Rs. 697 million on account of LPG Air-mix project for FY 2023-24 seeking increase in its average prescribed price by Rs. 506.35 per MMBTU effective July 01, 2023 including the cost of RLNG diverted molecules to domestic consumers, as part of cost of gas in the light of the decision of Federal Cabinet dated 30-10-2023.

The petitioner has also included Rs.427,830 million against previous years shortfall, thereby seeking total average prescribed Rs.2,961.98/MMBTU with effect from 1st July, 2023 to compensate for increase in cost of gas/RLNG and other components of the petition. Besides above, the petitioner has estimated RLNG cost of service at Rs. 72,160 million (i.e. 293.07/MMBTU) for Financial Year 2023-24.

Therefore, OGRA conducted public hearing at Lahore to provide the opportunity of hearing to consumers/general public and interested/affected persons.

The final verdict on petition shall be issued by the authority after consideration view points of all stakeholders.