OGRA holds public hearing at Lahore



ISLAMABAD, Mar 25: The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) conducted public hearing at Lahore today, against the petition submitted by Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) (the petitioner) for Determination of its Estimated Revenue Requirement / prescribed prices for FY 2024-25. The petitioner has projected average prescribed price for FY 2024-25 at Rs. 2,276.66 per MMBTU under natural gas business thereby claiming an increase of Rs. 475.95/MMBTU over existing price.  The petitioner has further demanded previous years’ shortfall at Rs. 2,646.19/MMBTU FY 2024-25, the petitioner has demanded aggregate average prescribed price at Rs.4,446.89/MMBTU for FY 2024-25. Besides above, the petitioner has claimed RLNG cost of service at Rs. 325.08 per MMBTU for F.Y-2024-25.

Chairman OGRA Mr. Masroor Khan, Member Oil Mr. Zain-ul-Abideen Qureshi and Member Finance Mr. Naeem Ghouri along with Senior Executives of OGRA heard the petition. The interveners also presented their point of view which was made part of the record.

OGRA has also scheduled to conduct another public hearing at Peshawar on March 27, 2024 thereby providing opportunity of hearing to the stakeholders, consumers and general public for their valuable input and suggestions to the Federal Government. Further, all categories of gas consumers were also invited through their monthly gas bills to participate in the said Public Hearings.

OGRA shall issue SNGPL’s determination of Estimated Revenue Requirement FY 2024-25, in due course of time, after conducting public hearing in Peshawar.