PAF on call for humanitarian crisis


Man has gone far-off in making the unbelievable advancement in various fields of life. From enjoying a furnished drawing-room-like travelling in an air-bus to sending a text-message within a second across the globe, all is so easy now. Yet! Man is helpless in front of the Wrath of Nature:they say, it always shows up uninformed. Thus, man has been unsuccessful to curtail the natural calamities.

The world has recently seen horrible tremors of earthquake shuddering two countries in the main, Turkeyand Syria on February-06-2023.The magnitude of earthquake recorded on Richter scale was 7.8. The estimated losses are 29,000 deaths, 42,654 non-fatal injuries, displaced people at least are 298,000 and building destroyed totally are 6,400. Overall, 13 million people have got affected. Whereas, Southern part of Turkey seems with the most of its infrastructure upside down. The upshot of earthquake gavea massive upsurgeto the humanitarian crisis. Damage of infrastructure further exacerbated the crises. All this has sent the call for help to every country in the world.

Pakistan and Turkey, at all times, have been cherishing the brothers-bond. Both countries’ officials and country people share the Muslim brotherhood in particular. To demonstrate this bond in the truer sense, PAF has stepped forward to start sending the humanitarian assistance in the earthquake hit areas. Pakistan Air Force promisinglyexhibited its unstinted practiceof serving humanity inhelpingthe brothers and sisters in Turkey.

PAF Spokesperson issues press releases in order to keep the nation informed about its proud national institution’s high spirit for serving humanity. The details are there to share about the essential-relief goods and rescue operation equipment.

Following the directives from Government of Pakistan, the first aircraft of PAF-C 130 took off its flight from PAF Base, Nur Khan that landed in Turkey on 07 February, 2023. The PAF C-130 Hercules carried members of search and rescue teams with equipment of rescue operation, mainly helmet, protective clothing, protective boots, respiration protective appliances, safety belt, rope and other equipment. The aircraft also carried cartons of relief goods, tents, and blankets. All these services, relief goods and rescue equipment were handed over to the Turkish officials for displaying solidarity with the brethren of Turkey by people of Pakistan. Of course, PAF is never on rest when it comes to serve the common people trapped in any crisis. So,the following next day-08 February, 2023, second C-130 aircraft of Pakistan Air Force that carried tents, blankets and essential items from PAF Base, Lahore reached Turkey. The C-130 Hercules aircraft carried 18634 pounds of humanitarian assistance relief goods from people of Pakistan for the earthquake affected brethren of Turkey.

One another commendable and responsible act of PAF has come appeared to work for repatriation of the stranded Pakistani students in the earthquake hit areas of Turkey. Keeping the worrisome-state of respective families in view, PAF carefully collected the details about the stuck students to bring them back to home safely. PAF has put in sincere efforts in collaboration with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Pakistani Embassy in Turkey for Pakistani students.

After C-130 Hercules, PAF brought Ilyushin-78 in use from the transport fleet for transporting the relief goods from Pakistan to Turkey. On 11 February, 2023 IL-78 aircraft of Pakistan Air Force carried tents and relief goods from PAF Base, Lahore reached Adana, Turkey. The Ilyushin-78 aircraft has taken 16.5 tons of humanitarian assistance relief goods from people of Pakistan for the earthquake affected brethren of Turkey. Simultaneously, Pakistan Air Force ensures of making all out efforts to repatriate stranded Pakistanis in particular students. The PAF official has apprised further that 08 Pakistani students will be arriving on PAF IL-78 aircraft on its way back to Pakistanfollowing night of 12th February.

Thenatural calamities-predictable or unpredictable continue to trial the existence as well survival of humans, here or there, and in all around the world. Nevertheless, these crises bring the humans on one page that is realization of serving the humanityimmediately irrespective to creed, caste or nationality. News coming about safe pulling out of earthquake survivorsfrom under the rubble relives the grief. The fearless and professionally steadfast rescue workers risked their lives in saving as many lives as can be made possible.

Pakistan Air Force has been highly active in serving humanity,regardless to the distance, expense and man-power.Quite recently, in the aftermath of last year’s destructive monsoon and flood, PAF offered exemplary services in providing instantaneous aid to its affected countrymen.This time again, PAF has made it clear in action that Pakistan stands with Turkey in this hard-hitting period. PAF rescue teams are in the first row to save the maximum number of survivors. PAF alwaysmakes it certain that its transport fleet takes the lead on call for humanitarian crisis, responding rapidly to both inland and abroad.

-Asma Ishaq teaches English Language and English Literature to senior classes.