Pak-China collaboration advances Pakistan’s automobile transition



Islamabad, April 24 (:  At the ongoing Automobile Shanghai 2023, global industry visitors are awestruck by the dizzying array of the latest vehicle models, experience various functions and learn about advanced technologies.

According to Gwadar Pro on Monday,  Nayyer Chaudhary, who has more than 20 years of experience working with China, noticed the growth of intelligentization and modernization of the auto industry at the auto show. He hoped to avail of this platform to form partnerships with more Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers, especially manufacturers of small cars and their components, to develop such a market for Pakistan.

As a pillar industry of Pakistan’s national economy, the automobile industry is growing with every passing day. In terms of vehicle categories, fuel-efficient vehicles, battery electric vehicles (BEV), plug-in hybrid EVs (PHEV), etc. have been upgraded to allow consumers to have more awareness and choice.

The constant influx of brands has also driven the application and development of high technology.

“As the world’s largest auto market, China is far more advanced than any other country in new energy vehicle production, research and development. Partnering with China is the best path for Pakistan’s auto industry to grow and gain access to new opportunities to keep up with global trends,” highlighted Nayyer.

The 2023 Shanghai auto show provides a great opportunity for Nayyer and dealers around the world to grasp new trends in the auto industry. It is boosting confidence and breathing life into the global auto market.

The theme of the auto show is “Embracing the New Era of the Automobile Industry”, and prominent features of this new era are more vehicle design options and the transition towards new energy.

All the major car companies showcasing their new models at the world’s largest and most influential international A-class auto show are paying attention to the trend.

Chery Automobile, a Chinese auto brand that started to engage in the field of new energy technology in 1999, released the third-generation PHEV technology at the scene, showcasing its latest development path in the face of opportunities in the era of electrification and intelligence to global users.

Song Huaifu, country director of Chery Automobile in Pakistan, explained that Chery’s third-generation hybrid platform adopts the fifth-generation ACTECO high-efficiency hybrid dedicated engine, integrating advanced technologies such as deep Miller cycle, i-HEC fourth-generation combustion system, high-efficiency turbocharger, intelligent thermal management system, etc.

He emphasized that “its peak power can reach effective thermal efficiency exceeding 44.5%, making it the most efficient hybrid engine in the Chinese market.”

More than 1,000 overseas guests from over 80 countries gathered at Chery’s booth to jointly create and share the latest technological achievements in new energy, and jointly promote Chery’s vision of entering a new track of globalization. They were impressed by the OMODA brand’s first purely electric model, OMODA 5 e-QUA, JAECOO 7 and JAECOO 9, which were unveiled at the site.

OMADA and JAECOO will be launched simultaneously in Pakistan by the end of this year, revealed Qi Jie, Regional Director of Southern Asia for OMODA, Chery Group. Referring to Pakistan as an important strategic base for Chery in South Asia, he told Gwadar Pro that at present, Chery is in the process of researching the habits of users in Pakistan to make appropriate improvements in its products in light of the latest situation.

Dur to the current challenging economic conditions in Pakistan, such as inflation and power shortages, import restrictions and natural disasters, vehicle production and sales have been declining during the current fiscal year, the status of the auto industry as one of the fastest-growing industries in Pakistan has not been shaken, noted Huaifu.

“We have strong confidence in Pakistan’s future market and expect the explosive growth of Pakistan’s automotive industry through our efforts to improve products and services with local cooperation,” he added.

Pak students talk with Taikonauts


ISLAMABAD, Apr. 24:  Pakistani students expressed deep interest in getting space science knowledge from Chinese Taikonauts in an online interaction organized by the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, Gwadar Pro reported.

Dozens of Pakistani school students, the majority of them girls, attended an online event ‘Talk with Taikonauts of Shenzhou-15’, co-hosted by the Embassy.

‘Talk with Taikonauts of Shenzhou-15’ event was significant for broadening horizons for the youth and lighting up their dreams about exploring the mysterious and diverse universe.

Ms. Pang Chunxue, Charge d’Affaires of the Chinese Embassy said, Pakistan and China are collaborating in a number of fields and this time it is about space science.

She said youths are young ambassadors of China-Pakistan friendship and hope of the two countries, the iron-clad relationship between China and Pakistan should be passed from generation to generation.

A student of Beachonhouse School Islamabad said it was a great opportunity for her to witness this historic event where she listened to the astronauts talking to students from the space center.

She said she is encouraged to become an astronaut in the future.

Another student of Islamabad Model College, who got an opportunity of asking a question to Chinese Taikonaut said, the Taikonaut responded to her question about how they breathe in space and that a specific human suitable environment is built for astronauts in space where they can breathe.

“For me, it’s not less than a miracle and a lifetime opportunity to speak to the astronaut based in the space center,” said the student.

This year is the tenth anniversary of BRI and CPEC. Science and Technology cooperation is an important part of it, which will provide strong support to the high-quality and sustainable development of CPEC.

Prof. Dr. Shahid Mahmood Baig, Chairman of Pakistan Science Foundation said Pakistan and China’s collaboration in space science has made remarkable gains.

He said recently Pakistani seeds sent into space in collaboration with the Chinese space mission provide an example.

“It’s a big jump for Pakistan with the help of China,” he said.

He said such events will pave the way for the two countries to further enhance cooperation in space science and technology.

Powerful profiteer mafia above the law


Dr. Murtaza Mughal, President of Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) on Monday said the profiteer mafia is looting masses in such a way that it seems to be above the law.

The influential hoarders have completely escaped the writ of law due to their connections with the influential, and they are constantly robbing the public.

The entire system of food supply has been hijacked, and arbitrary prices are being charged which have broken the back of the public and for millions of people flour has become more important than their life and dignity, he added.

Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that tens of millions of people are unable to feed their families due to increasing inflation and shrinking income, but the government considers that it has fulfilled responsibility by providing free flour to some poor.

Those who claimed to end inflation have raised inflation to the highest level in the country’s history, pushing millions of people below the poverty line, he observed.

He said that the price of fuel is increasing continuously, which is exhausting the patience of the people, and that can become a big threat to the law and order situation.

Dr. Murtaza Mughal observed that crimes are increasing due to increasing poverty and people have lost faith in the country’s system.

The government has no program to improve the economic conditions of the people, as it is focused on politics.

He noted that cotton production is at a 40-year low, the textile sector is collapsing, the economy is reeling due to an appreciating dollar, delayed IMF programs and dwindling foreign exchange reserves have raised concerns and there is a shortage of life-saving medicines.

Seven percent of wheat production has been affected by rains, opportunities to earn more foreign exchange through rice and sugar has minimized, and important officials are busy in an unending political circus.

He said that economic bragging by top officials does not improve the country’s economy and if the situation remained the same, the country may face risk of a civil war.