Pak, Japan think-tank vow to deepen ties


Ambassador of Japan Matsuda terms contacts at intellectual level a significant development

Mahnoor Ansar

ISLAMABAD:  Developing intellectual exchange between two countries by facilitating exchange of sophisticated information and various perspectives through experts will contribute to mutual understanding. From this viewpoint, the Embassy of Japan has always been committed to promoting think-tank cooperation between Japan and Pakistan.

In this context, we welcome that the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO) in Japan and the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) held the first online workshop.

Starting from the opening remarks and mutual introductions by FUKAO Kyoji, the President of IDE-JETRO and Nadeem Ul Haque, the Vice-Chancellor of PIDE, experts from both sides have made presentations and discussed about topics such as Labor Force Participation of Women, Reform Agenda for Accelerated and Sustained Growth, Geographical Simulation Model of IDE, and Tax Policy Design and Options for Reform. 

MATSUDA Kuninori, Ambassador of Japan is very pleased with the development of cooperation between two institutions. “Although it is not easy to arrange physical people to people exchange between two countries under current COVID-19 situation, it is remarkable that two institutions have taken initiatives to realize this mile-stone event.

The Embassy of Japan will continue to support think-tank cooperation towards the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between Japan and Pakistan in 2022”, he said.