Pak security forces targeted at Afghan border


Pakistan has repeatedly requested Afghan Government in last few months to secure Pak-Afghan border region

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD” In response to media queries regarding recent incidents along the Pakistan- Afghanistan border, the Spokesperson stated the following: In the last few days, incidents along Pak – Afghan Border have significantly increased, wherein, Pakistani security forces are being targeted from across the border.

Pakistan has repeatedly requested Afghan Government in last few months to secure Pak-Afghan border region. Terrorists are using Afghan soil with impunity to carry out activities inside Pakistan.

Pakistan and Afghanistan have been engaged for past several months through institutional channels for effective coordination and security along our long shared border. Unfortunately, elements of banned terrorist groups in the border region, including TTP, have continued to attack Pakistan’s border security posts, resulting into martyrdom of several Pakistani troops. On 14 April 2022 as well, 7 Pakistan Army Soldiers were martyred in North Waziristan District by terrorists operating from Afghanistan.

. Pakistan, once again, strongly condemns terrorists operating with impunity from Afghan soil to carry out activities in Pakistan. This is detrimental to our efforts of maintaining peace and stability along Pak-Afghan Border.

Pakistan requests the sovereign Government of Afghanistan to secure Pak- Afghan Border region and take stern actions against the individuals involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan, in the interest of peace and progress of the two brotherly countries.

Pakistan also takes this opportunity to reaffirm respect for Afghanistan’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Pakistan will continue to work closely with Afghan Government to strengthen bilateral relations in all fields.