ISLAMABAD, SEPT 24 (DNA) – Pakistan strongly condemns extra-judicial killing of three Kashmiris, including a 65 year old man, in Uri sector along the LoC in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). This is another example of India’s unabated state-terrorism being perpetrated against Kashmiris for decades.

The so-called “anti-infiltration” operation in Uri is the typical false flag operation by India that Pakistan has been warning the world about. This is an old Indian ploy to malign Pakistan.

It is high time that India recognized that no amount of staged-managed mischief and brutal clamp down on Kashmiris can suppress the Kashmiris’ movement to achieve right to self-determination nor would it mislead the world into accepting India’s desperate attempt to portray that as a victim of terrorism.

Indian Occupation Army has intensified extra-judicial killings of Kashmiris in so-called “cordon-and-search” operations. More than 100 Kashmiris have been martyred this year.

Rampant human rights violations by India in IIOJK warrant an investigation by a United Nations Commission of Inquiry, as recommended by the OHCHR in its Kashmir reports of 2018 and 2019.