Palestine lambasts Israeli minister for his racist remarks

‘Ecotourism a must for sustainable local development’


RAMALLAH: The State of Palestine condemns in the strongest terms the racist and heinous remarks made by Israel’s fascist Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, which only confirms Israel’s apartheid regime of Jewish supremacy and racial terror against the Palestinian people.

Ben-Gvir’s racist remarks and continued incitement against the Palestinian people are the inevitable culmination of 75 years of Israeli hate-mongering, rooted in the Nakba and  sustained by Israel’s illegal occupation and oppression which institutionally dehumanizes and relegates the Palestinian people to an inhuman status.

The State of Palestine recalls that Israel, the occupying Power, its officials, occupying forces, and settler militias, have no sovereignty or right to any part of Palestine.  The rights of the Palestinian people to live as free and independent people in their homeland, in dignity, in peace and security, are universally recognized and enshrined.

Israel’s systematic hate speech, provocative rhetoric, violence and dehumanization of the Palestinian people across decades are fomenting mass violence at unprecedented levels. Ben-Gvir and Israeli officials must be sanctioned and held accountable for inciting violence and destruction and knowingly leading and contributing to the mass persecution of the Palestinian people.