PARC convenes VEC meeting on oilseed crops


ISLAMABAD: /DNA/ – Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) Variety Evaluation Committee meeting on oilseed crops was held in two sessions. More than 30 candidate varieties/hybrids of canola, mustard and sunflower were selected. Proposals submitted for evaluation during the meeting session, 29 hybrids/varieties of local and imported origin were proposed for commercial cultivation according to their potential ecology. Out of these, 04 hybrids/varieties are Rapeseed/canola, 17 mustard varieties and 08 hybrids of sunflower. Senior Technical Representative of Ministry of National Food Security and Research, Heads of Provincial Seed Council, Provincial Head of Agriculture and Allied Research, DGNARC and representatives of private seed sector participated in the meeting.

Chairman of Pakistan Agricultural Research Council Dr. Ghulam Muhammad Ali has said that according to the instructions and vision of the Prime Minister, the work on alternative oil crops for the export of edible oil is going on rapidly and the successful experiments will lead to a record increase in production. In his opening remarks, Chairman PARC highlighted the importance of Variety Evaluation Committee and said that this forum ensures high production and availability of variety in the country by recommending different types of hybrids. He highlighted the importance of seeds of oilseeds and the efforts made to increase the domestic production of various oilseeds to ensure the availability of seeds. In this regard, he appreciated the efforts of PARC and NARS to introduce new types and hybrids of seeds in the country and said that local production of seeds of various species including oilseeds would help the government to import batches on an annual basis. There will be savings in terms of expenses incurred. Chairman PARC urged the concerned experts and scientists to focus on local production of seeds, especially oilseeds and production of hybrids. He further encouraged the public and private sector working together with PARC to develop the seed sector in Pakistan.

Dr. Imtiaz Hussain, Member, Plant Sciences Division, PARC, appreciated the role of public and private sector in providing hybrid varieties for oilseeds to farmers, which are helping to improve seed productivity in Pakistan.