PDM decides to resort to defiance mode


Fazal comes down heavy on the establishment for supporting the PTI government; announces to direct all their criticism towards the establishment

Abid Raza/DNA

LAHORE:  The leaders of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) on Friday addressed a press conference and said that the 11-party alliance is stronger than before, adding that rumours about conflicts within the party are false.

Speaking on behalf of the alliance, PDM chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman reiterated that the government only has one month to resign, after which PDM members will join heads and start planning the long march.

He once again came down heavy on the establishment for supporting the PTI government. He announced to direct all their criticism towards the establishment.

He said on January 19 PDM will hold a protest demonstration in front of Election Commission of Pakistan. He also hinted at similar protest demonstrations in front offices of the National Accountability Bureau.

He told that all parties have received resignations of their members of the parliament therefore there should be no doubt about that.

He said PDM will take part in the by elections and in this regard the PDM parties have decided it with a unanimous vote.

Regarding PPP stance, he said PPP has shared all details regarding their decision to take part in the Senate elections. Regarding PDM decision to take part in Senate elections, Maulana said PDM was still thinking about this.

Regarding his meeting with Mohammad Ali Durrani he said Durrani came to him and shared with him his suggestion of dialogue, which I flatly refused.

He also dispelled the impression that PPP had linked taking part in the long march to the return of Nawaz Sharif. Maulana said there was no such thing and media was falsely propagating the issue.

“We will decide whether to hold long march towards Rawalpindi or Islamabad,” he said, adding that the alliance will announce the date and venue soon.

Speaking about the by-polls and Senate elections, Maulana Fazlur Rehman said PDM parties will participate in by-polls, adding that participating in the Senate elections will be taken by the alliance later.

Answering a question, the PDM chief said that many of the decisions taken during the meeting prior to the conference are confidential, therefore, the alliance is not under any obligations to share everything with media.