Pha To Make The City’s Hospitals Clean And Green


Rawalpindi January 14: (DNA) :  Under Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Clean and Green Pakistan Movement, gardens and surrounding spaces of all government hospitals and health centers in Rawalpindi will be phase wise converted into “Natural Air Filter Spots”.Parks and Horticulture Authority Rawalpindi will give a helping hand to accomplish the task.

These views were expressed by PHA Vice Chairman Malik AbidHussain while inspecting the parks and open spaces inside the hospital on the occasion of his visit to District Headquarters Hospital Raja Bazar Rawalpindi along with Chairman Chief Minister’s Complaints Cell Rawalpindi District Chaudhry Muhammad Zubair. Medical Superintendent Dr. FarzanaZafar and other senior official were also present on the occasion.

Dr. FarzanaZafar briefed Malik AbidHussain and Chaudhry Muhammad Zubair about the ongoing development and construction work in the hospital and took them on a round of different parts of the hospital. Malik AbidHussain took keen interest in visiting the park and open spaces around the hospital. He asked the MS to make these parts of the hospital lush green. “PHA will extend all out help to accomplish this noble cause”, he added.

He said that the role and importance of trees in protecting and developing human health needs not to be stated and spaces inside hospitals, their parks and corridors should be decorated with flowers and plants asthere is no substitute for this kind of nature’s support for medical staff in the recovery of sick people.

“All government hospitals and health centers will be renovated in natural green style to transform their open gardens and surrounding spaces into “Natural Air Filter Spots”so that the environment of these hospitals can be made healing and refreshing as well as enhance and beauty of the city”, he mention. He said this noble deed was to be done with the help of philanthropists. He inspected the hospital park in detail and discussed with concerned staff in detail the plantation of flowers, saplings and grasses in it.

On the occasion, Chairman Chief Minister’s Complaints Cell, Rawalpindi District, ChaudhryZubair said that the natural green environment of the hospital would not only help the patients in recovering but they will return to their homes with a living awareness of the need and importance of trees. As a result, they will take part in tree planting and play their role in making the Prime Minister’s Clean and Green Pakistan Movement a success.