President IoBM recognized for his outstanding contribution to Higher Education


Karachi – Thursday, July 21, 2022 

Mr. Talib Karim, President Institute of Business Management (IoBM), Karachi has been bestowed with the “Outstanding Contribution to Higher Education Award” by Total Communications.  Syed Irfan Ali, Managing Director – DPC State Bank presented the award to Mr. Talib Karim during the 14th InfoSec Conference 2022 held on July 21. Also present on the occasion were Mr. Hussain Hassan Ali, ISACA president and Mr. Faisal Rahim, CEO, Total Communications.

During his speech, Mr. Talib Karim said that we need to impart knowledge to the youth of Pakistan. He shared that IoBM has been organizing skills development training programs that impart technology-based skills. He called for the development of a technology park in collaboration with the industry. He emphasized that the academia-industry linkage will empower the youth in developing skills to facilitate them in adding value to Pakistan’s economy.  

Earlier, during his welcome address and speech, Dr. Imran Batada, CTO & Director CIT, IoBM said that organizations need to secure data and alleviate cyber threats and attacks. He added that the industry should support initiatives to build human resources in the field of IT. Dr. Batada highlighted that organizations should focus on information security training. He said that Pakistan’s IT exports can easily increase by multiples in the years to come with continuous capacity building.

Among the speakers at the 2022 InfoSec Conference were the top management from the banking and corporate sector. They shared insights on how companies can strengthen their cyber security measures and make use of available resources to mitigate risks.