Private schools mafia exploiting masses for profit


KARACHI, JUNE 19 / DNA / = President of the Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) and Convener FPCCI Central Standing Committee on Insurance Dr. Murtaza Mughal on Friday said private schools mafia are exploiting masses in these difficult times which should be stopped.

Many schools have stopped paying employees amid lockdown while others are paying reduced salaries but students are being charged in full for nothing, he said.

Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that the parents who are unable to pay full fees are being harassed by the administration of schools which is educational terrorism.

He said that majority of schools are charging fees on the pretext of online teaching which is a useless exercise as the mafia is not concerned with education but only profit resulting in a falling standard of education.

Majority of private schools are playing with the future of the country and there is no authority which can stop their immoral activities.

Private schools are adopting novel ways to milk parents which include the provision of books, copies, and uniforms, etc. from schools on exorbitant rates while some have started operating hair cutting saloons in their premises only allowing students for a haircut in the school’s salon only.

The unabated activities of mafia has helped make education the most profitable and unsupervised business in the country and owners of such schools consider them above the law even if it comes to the directives of higher courts.

He said that monthly fees of some schools popular for promoting western culture is more than monthly rent or utility bills that push the parents to engage in corruption.

Absence of a uniform education system in the country which is promoting class difference and resulting in complex problems, he said.