PTCL deploys Nokia software



Islamabad, June 10, 2020:Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) has deployedNokia automation, analytics and machine learning software to enhance the customerexperienceand improvecustomerserviceaccuracy and efficiency.

Among the productsrolled out are NokiaService Management Platform (SMP), which automates and simplifies the entirecustomer care process, and significantlyreduces the timeto resolvecustomerissues whileimprovingaccuracy.

Nokia SMP wasdeployedacrossall PTCL Contact Centers in Pakistan. Withthis, customer service representativesare more efficient with all relevant information includingguidedresolutionsteps – nowavailable on a single pane of glass.

PTCL customers can nowenjoy a betteroverallexperience as Nokia SMP constantlyimproves trouble prediction and resolutioncapability, whilereducingcustomer service costs. The software isbased on Nokia Bell Labs machine learningalgorithms.

Moreover, PTCLcustomerscan nowhave an improvedquality of experienceacross internet connectivity, IPTV and communications services by usingNokia’s software solution.

PTCL and Nokia’scollaboration includesthe alreadydeployedNokia Network Analyzer – Copper, as well as Nokia Network Analyzer – Fiber, to gather insights thatprovideremotediagnosis and troubleshooting of last mile issues, furtherenhancingservice quality and reducingcustomer service time and operationalexpense.

Moqeem ul Haque, Chief Commercial and Group Strategy Officer, PTCL,said,”We are committed to digitizingourcustomerexperienceand reducecustomer effortby meaningfulcustomer interactions withhigheron-the-spot resolution. This project has enabled us to re-design our workflows withincreasedeffectiveness at a lowercost.Our collaboration withNokiahas greatlyacceleratedourexperienceand organizationaltransformation.”

Henrique Vale, Head of Nokia Software for MEA, said,”This go-live deploymentprovidesseveralefficient toolsthatenhancePTCL’scustomerservice capabilitiesand the user experienceacross the board. We are pleasedwith the deploymentwithPTCL and look forward to furthersupporting one of the leadingtelecom service provider in Pakistan for its digital transformation efforts.”