Romanian armed forces day on October 25


Liberation of the entire national territory of Romania was achieved by the heroic fights of over 525,000 fully employed troops between August 23 and October 25, 1944. Nearly 58,000 of them were killed or injured. Losses incurred on the enemy stood at 89,934 troops, 76,275 of whom were taken prisoners: Ambassador Goia says in his message 

Staff Report/DNA

ISLAMABAD: Ambassador of Romania Nicolaie Goia has said Romania celebrates each year, on October 25th, the Day of the Romanian Army. October 25, 1944, the Romanian Army Day, signifies the date of complete liberation of north-western Transylvania from foreign ruling and administration.

He added, the liberation of the entire national territory of Romania was achieved by the heroic fights of over 525,000 fully employed troops between August 23 and October 25, 1944. Nearly 58,000 of them were killed or injured. Losses incurred on the enemy stood at 89,934 troops, 76,275 of whom were taken prisoners.

Ambassador Goia said today, Romanian Armed Forces are assigned to foreign missions, contributing alongside of the allied and partner countries to the common effort of keeping peace and stability worldwide. In compliance with the commitments deriving from the international treaties, agreements and memoranda whose signing party is, Romania had contingents of different sizes from all services – Army, Air and Naval Forces – available to multinational coalitions authorized to carry on peace support, humanitarian assistance, coalition, collective or individual operations in the framework UN, NATO, OSCE and EU-led Observing, Monitoring, Liaison and Training teams.

The years of contribution to foreign missions meant for the Romanian Armed Forces the maintenance, almost continuously, of a military force of variable sizes, integrated into UN, OSCE, NATO and EU missions carried out in Africa and Asia, in the theatres of operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and Western Balkans. Almost 40,000 Romanian troops took part in different operations and missions out of national borders, gathering a valuable professional experience extremely useful in the transformation, operationalization and interoperability enhancement process of the Romanian Armed Forces with their NATO and EU counterparts.

Romanian Armed forces wisely and skillfully planned their combat forces to fight the war on terror far away from the national borders, proving their capability and determination to fully carry out their missions. Romania remained consistent with its commitments to support the international community in the fight against terror.

The contribution of the Romanian troops to the to collective defence, peace keeping and restoration missions to enforce the stipulations of the UN Security Council Resolutions, of the international legislation and law reveals that the Romanian state complies consequently and in full faith with the commitments agreed with the allies and partners, according to the international legislation and treaties whose signing party is Romania.

While concluding his message the ambassador said by performance and professionalism, dedication and determination, the Romanian Armed Forces are a true ambassador for Romania’s image worldwide!