Secretary Agriculture South Punjab Story from Bahawalpur division


Bahawalpur: Secretary Agriculture South Punjab Saqib Ali Ateel  monitoring of Ramadan bazaars and wheat procurement centers, inquired from consumers about the quality and prices of food items, reviewed the arrangements of wheat procurement centers. Achieved 87% target of wheat procurement, Secretary Agriculture South Punjab

10 kg bag of flour is being provided in abundance in Ramadan bazaars at the rate of Rs 400 while sugar will be provided at the rate of Rs 75 per kg, Saqib Ali Ateel.

Secretary Agriculture South Punjab Saqib Ali Ateel visited Kot Mithan, Rojhan and Rajanpur to monitor Ramadan bazaars and wheat procurement centers. During the visit to Ramadan bazaars, consumers were asked about the quality and prices of food items and also checked the quality and quantity of items at various stalls.

Talking on the occasion, he said that thanks to the pro-people initiative of the Punjab government, 10 kg flour bag is being provided in abundance in the Ramadan bazaars at a cost of Rs. 400 and it is also being monitored on daily basis. Sugar prices have also been further reduced. Sugar will be provided at Rs 75 per kg in all Ramadan bazaars of Rajanpur district.

Until Eid-ul-Fitr, people can get cheap sugar from uninterrupted Ramadan bazaars.

He said that under the Ramadan package, standard fruits, vegetables and pulses were being provided to the people at discounted rates. Demand and supply are being reviewed on a daily basis. He further said that the fruits of billions of rupees subsidy from the Punjab government were reaching the people.

He said that the government has provided direct relief to the citizens by decorating cheap Ramadan bazaars. Fruits, vegetables and pulses are being supplied to the people as per usual. He said that supply of best quality goods at low prices is the reason for presence of citizens in Ramadan bazaars. Later, Secretary Agriculture South Punjab visited wheat procurement centers in Rajanpur district. He said that 9 shopping centers have been set up in Rajanpur where wheat is being procured along with supply of bardana to the farmers. He said that this year a target of 180,000 metric tonnes of wheat has been set in Rajanpur district and so far 87% of the target has been achieved. He said that wheat procurement target would be easily achieved. On this occasion Secretary Agriculture South Punjab directed to further improve the arrangements.