LAHORE, Apr 17 (DNA): Over thirty parliamentarians Saturday called on
estranged Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Jahangir Tareen at his
residence in Lahore and held a key meeting during which several
parliamentarians offered to resign.

Sources privy to the matter informed that future strategy was discussed
in the sitting. The members said the option of resignations is available
if injustice continues; however, the suggestion to resign immediately
was rejected.

It is pertinent here to mention that a Banking Court in Lahore, earlier
today, extended Jahangir Tareen and his son Ali Tareen’s interim bails
in fake bank accounts case till May 3.

Jahangir Tareen talked to media afterwards outside the judicial complex
and said it is unknown that who is doing his character assassination but
the names will be revealed eventually. The PTI leader said he has not
been accused of surging the sugar prices in all three cases and stressed
that baseless allegations are leveled against him.

Jahangir Tareen said he did not start his business after joining
politics. I was a farmer first, then I started my business and then
joined politics, he said while adding that he has a good name Pakistan
and will emerge victorious from the cases.

He said FIRs are lodged against him pertaining to matters which are
eight to ten years old and should have been probed by the Securities &
Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP).

PTI leader Raja Riaz Ahmad, who accompanied Jahangir Tareen, gave final
warning to Prime Minister Imran Khan and asked to not drag this issue
any further. We are standing under the flag of PTI with great patience
but will be free to make our decision if justice is not served in
Riyasat-e-Madina, he stressed. 
