Swiss Professor will share vision for Innovating Higher Education Landscape



Islamabad  –  . In view of  dire need for new educational strategies due to COVID-19 pandemic, the Global Academic Leaders Academy (GALA), Inter-University Consortium for the Promotion of Social Sciences (IUCPSS), and National Skills University Islamabad joint initiative on “Sharing Best Academic Practices” is receiving great appreciation and acceptance across the world.

In continuation of knowledge sharing series Prof Dr. Sc Dr Klaus Oestreicher, Vice President International at E.H.E. Europa Hochschule EurAka CH, Therwil, Canton of Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland will deliver a lecture today. The title of Prof. Oestreicer’s talk is “Innovating the Higher Education landscape and will be delivered via zoom  today (July 9th 2020) at 3:00 pm Pakistan Standard Time. 

 According to Murtaza Noor, Coordinator GALA/IUCPSS, the Swiss Professor will describe the idea of discovery-driven planning in higher education to absorb the disruptive impacts of the current pandemic. Professor Oestreicher believes that COVID-19 has created enormous opportunities for smaller institutions to outperform compared with established reputable universities.

Future successful universities will be the one adapting and assimilating technology-based solutions from enrolment to graduation. Newly emerging universities environment will foster independent multi-cultural student teams and unlimited choices for students across the world.

The lecture will outline challenges and opportunities for both learners and the teaching community to adapt to generating a skilled workforce ready to work at workplaces with different environments.Vice-Chancellors, Rectors, Academia, students, and parents across the country and globally are heavily praising this joint initiative. In this connection, the previous lecture by Prof. Sohail Naqvi on the topic of “Defining and devising excellence in higher education during and COVID-19 era” also available at the GALA YouTube channel has broad viewership.

According to Murtaza Noor, the GALA/IUCPSS/National Skills University initiative is serving as a virtual training center equally benefitting academic leaders, faculty, students, and the public across the world. Released by: Murtaza Noor National Coordinator Inter University Consortium for Promotion of Social Sciences Pakistan and Country Coordinator Global Academics Leadership Academy Pakistan Cell No 0300-9840120