Unresolved Kashmir issue to remain constant threat for world peace: Mushaal

Unresolved Kashmir issue to remain constant threat for world peace

ISLAMABAD, Oct 09 (DNA): Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Human
Rights and Women Empowerment Mushaal Hussein Mullick has said that
unresolved Kashmir issue would remain a constant threat for world peace.

She was talking to MP Labour Party Shadow Minister UK Parliament Afzal
Khan in Islamabad.

The SAPM on HR and women Empowerment informed the Shadow Minister UK
Parliament that the Modi regime hatched numerous conspiracies to change
the demography of the occupied valley in sheer violation of UN
resolutions and international laws. She reiterated that the resolution
of Kashmir dispute was imperative not only for durable peace in India
and Pakistan, but also for the entire world.

Mushaal asked the international organizations, including the UK
government to build pressure on Indian notorious government to release
the unlawfully incarcerated Kashmiri leaders including her husband Yasin

She said that Yasin Malik was being implicated in false, fabricated and
politically motivated cases in a bid to silent him because he was the
most powerful voice of the Kashmir peaceful struggle.

The British MP on the occasion held out assurance to SAPM on HR and
Women Empowerment that he would take up the issue of the Indian
atrocities and human right violations in UK parliament.

They also agreed to work together in adopting sustained policy
initiatives for Pakistani economic women empowerment and growth in work
sector. They both agreed that there was not only a dire need to start
skill development program for Pakistani women but also giving them funds
in order to enable them so as they could play their role alongside their
male colleagues for the betterment and uplift of the country. DNA