It is a clear manifestation that the country has been striving hard to gain high status in the comity of nations. Therefore, the third Renaissance would prove to be a milestone for Uzbekistan to portray its image as a more accountable nation.

Khalid TaimurAkram

It is generally believed that every country in the world has some potential to achieve respectable status among nations’ comity. However, only a few of these countries find leaders who possess the far-sightedness and prudence to steer their nations through tumultuous waters of scathing hardships and challenges to ensure a prosperous future for them.

 In the 21st century C.E., the rise of Uzbekistan’s potential role both within and outside the Central Asian block has been witnessed due to the remarkable efforts of incumbent President ShavkatMirziyoyev.Uzbekistan’s global outreach and economic benefits have been enhanced due to the incumbent visionary leadership of His Excellency, PresidentShavkatMirziyoyev. He has continuously emphasized the importance of creating a coherent and win-win economic environment for all the countries.

Moreover, he has emerged as a dynamic leader to work for regional peace, development, and resolve the Afghan conflict. Uzbekistan is one of the major stakeholders in the Afghan peace process. The country has been considered as one of the fastest-growing economies in the region. It has witnessed significant structural policy reforms under H.E. President. Therefore, the article elaborates on President ShavkatMirziyoyev’s unprecedented rise to the helm ofsocio-economic and political affairs in Uzbekistan. Moreover, this study highlights Uzbekistan’s substantial role and efforts to strengthen the nation and integrate other regional countries.

Towards Successful Development:

Under H.E. President ShavkatMirziyoyev’s, Uzbekistan has been committed tokeep a strategic equilibrium within the region.More proactive and prudent interest in seeking positive regional influence and conducting international peace activities by President ShavkatMirziyoyev has enabled the state to become a key regional player.

There are various reasons which have accelerated this change in the approach of Uzbekistan’s leadership. Any country’s realistic economic goals cannot be achieved unless it forms strong socio-economic alliances with the dominant countries in its region vis-à-vis economic development. To achieve this objective, Uzbekistan has significantly improved its relations with its neighbors and regional allies. The greater alliance among the countries is important for the expeditious socio-economic growth of all regions. Under the visionary leadership of H.E.

President ShavkatMirziyoyev, Uzbekistan has adopted anexceptional approach amid efficacious strategies to modernize and diversify its economy. The result-orientated policies by the visionary Uzbek leadership ultimately prove to be a driving force for the amicable resolution of common global menaces and persistent challenges. Furthermore, the internal structural reforms in the country paved the way for ambitious market-oriented economic policies.

Uigonish Davri(Third Renaissance) under President Shavkat Mirziyoyev:

Renaissance is a French wordthat means to be reborn. The Uzbek concept “UigonishDavri” (Evolutionary period or Renaissance) is a synonym for this term. In this aspect, the current reformsin Uzbekistan are worth mentioning and praising. The third Renaissance wave is amid the new paradigm shift that Uzbekistan has taken to play a full-fledged and pro-active role in uplifting the economy, maintaining and promoting regional peace and stability. Uzbekistan’s government has rightly felt the need to have a peaceful approach to achieve economic and political prosperity goals with wider regional connectivity. Under the third Renaissance, the new dynamics within Uzbek society and a fresh approach to foreign relations, where a new spirit of regionalism is taking root, is highly commendable. In the new Uzbekistan reforms, the government liberalized the foreign currency market to attract investments. There have been considerable improvements in the media landscape. Moreover, in order to strengthen openness and transparency, the visionary leadership of Uzbekistan is ambitious to implement the constitutional rules on freedom of speech, spreading information, and regional integration.

The new reforms, include political openness, bank sector reforms, agriculture reforms, financial market reforms, privatization, education reforms, energy sector reforms, and tax reforms. In this aspect, the structural changes within the country would definitely bring positive outcomes outside the country.

The economic and trade openness would integrate many regional nations with Uzbekistan.Furthermore, Uzbekistan also aims to incorporate the phenomena of academic cooperation into regionalism. Uzbekistan pays great attentionin improving the educational sphere, especially the comprehensive support to science& technology and research& development.

The foundation for a new revival for the Third Renaissance is being laid in Uzbekistan because today’s Uzbekistan has been transformed, and His Excellency, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has emerged as a most important leader in the regional political and economic discourse.

Thereby, the broader reforms with structural adjustments would enable Uzbekistan’s potential role in the world.It is a clear manifestation that the country has been striving hard to gain high status in the comity of nations. Therefore, the third Renaissance would prove to be a milestone for Uzbekistan to portray its image as a more accountable nation.