Vote of confidence and aftermath


Nobody questions and doubts the honesty, commitment and integrity of Prime Minister Imran Khan, but people do expect that all those working under him shall also contribute to nation building with same zeal and spirit. Nobody knows better than Imran Khan that how important the team work and the TEAM is to emerge as victorious out of even tumultuous times


Ansar M Bhatti

ISLAMABAD: The Prime Minister is all set to get vote of confidence today from the National Assembly. Confidence vote should not be a problem for the PTI along with its allies, forms majority in the house. Besides, the confidence vote somehow shall heal wounds of ruling alliance caused by the defeat of Finance Minister Hafeez Shaikh. Another development that govt and the prime minister should take rather seriously is the reaction of the Election Commission of Pakistan to the speech of the premier on national hook-up on Thursday night in which he chose to take the ECP to task for what he termed ‘ its failure in plugging horse-trading’ due to which Yousaf Raza Gillani emerged victorious despite the fact the Opposition alliance did not have the required number of votes in the National Assembly.

All said and done, what happened in the Senate elections is not something new. Pakistan’s history is fraught with such sad incidents but as the Election Commission mentioned in its press release that if things have come to such a pass, the respective governments themselves are responsible for that. It was their duty to do legislation to put an end to such practices however they failed to do so mainly because of political expediency and vested interests.

The government demand for an open ballot was more than genuine but unfortunately it seemed politically motivated. The govt wanted to get its candidate elected for it knew very well even PTI members may not vote for Hafeez Shaikh. Now when this election is over, the question is will the govt still believes in open ballot for future elections? And will the govt would like to have election of Chairman Senate through open ballot? The govt, it is believed, may not vouch for open balloting anymore. The figures show that the opposition has majority in the Senate and if everything goes well the person nominated by the opposition for this covet slot shall sail smoothly.

If the government wants to win the Senate chairman election then it has to do the same tricks which the Opposition did in order to get Yousaf Raza Gillani elected. So, situation is quite interesting. If it were a principled stand of the govt regarding open ballot then it is supposed to stick to that principle in case of the election of the Chairman Senate as well. Regrettably, the recent happenings have cast adverse effects on already weak and fragile democratic order in the country.

The opposition parties are only concerned about dislodging the government come what may. They never talk of problems the common folks are experiencing on daily basis. We, perhaps, are right in the middle of the quagmire that if we do not want to continue with this govt then who? The want of any suitable options seems to be a source concern for all and sundry and powers that be.

The PTI government has a mandate of ruling or rather serving this country and countrymen for five years. It has every right to complete its term. But it has to deliver. And deliver to the satisfaction of the people who voted this government to power.

On international front, Pakistan is facing isolation. Our closest friends have chosen to keep a distance. Mega projects like CPEC are almost at a standstill. FATF sword is still dangling on over heads. GDP growth is not showing desired improvement. Exports targets are yet to be met.  In such circumstances we need friends not foes, both at home and abroad. Nobody questions and doubts honesty, commitment and integrity of Prime Minister Imran Khan, but people do expect that all those working under him shall also contribute to nation building with same zeal and spirit. Nobody knows better than Imran Khan that how important the team work and the TEAM is to emerge as victorious out of even tumultuous times.