Walk for Change: Serena Hotels and ConnectHear launch joint initiative on int’l day of persons with disabilities

Walk for Change: Serena Hotels and ConnectHear Launch Joint Initiative on Int’l Day of Persons with Disabilities


ISLAMABAD, DEC 3 – Serena Hotels, in a heartfelt partnership with ConnectHear under the Public Diplomacy initiative, has organized a walk of awareness on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities which started off at MOFA and culminated at Serena Business Complex in Islamabad.

This day is a global celebration of the rights and achievements of people with disabilities. The United Nations in 1992, officially declared a day dedicated to persons with disabilities, emphasizing the theme of “Full Participation and Equality” within society and developmental contexts. It highlights the crucial need for the inclusive involvement of individuals with disabilities across all facets of society and development, emphasizing the essential role this plays in creating a more equitable and compassionate world.

The event was attended by a significant number of participants including students, distinguished dignitaries, representatives from the corporate sector and media professionals and the effort to promote awareness through diverse activities was positively embraced by all the attendees.

Azeema Dhanjee, the co- founder of ConnectHear in her speech said, “our mission is to give the Deaf individuals of Pakistan the tools they need to make communication accessible to them, allowing them to be truly independent”. She also highlighted that Islamabad Serena Hotel has become the pioneer in the industry by implementing a sign language interpretation service to make their hotel accessible. She expressed gratitude towards Serena Hotels for both organizing the accessibility walk in Islamabad and for demonstrating a sincere commitment to this initiative.

 Serena Hotels has consistently endeavoured to play its role in raising awareness through various initiatives under the umbrella of Public Diplomacy and take pride in providing platform and in collaborating with organizations such as ConnectHear, who are dedicated to tirelessly ensuring people’s right to access essential services. Together, we strive to make a meaningful impact and contribute to positive change.