‘Will send summary for dissolution of NA to president tonight’, PM tells lawmakers


Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Wednesday announced that he would write to President Dr Arif Alvi tonight to dissolve the National Assembly, three days before the end of its constitutional term.

Addressing the farewell session of the lower house of parliament, the premier also thanked all parliamentarians for posing trust in him.

Lashing out at the previous PTI-led government, the premier said that they had to bear the burden of the past regime’s negligence and failures during their 16-month rule.

Despite the unfavourable situation, his government faced the worst floods and economic challenges, PM Shehbaz said that the past government had damaged Pakistan’s reputation by violating the agreement signed with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Berating his predecessor Imran Khan, PM Shehbaz said that the PTI government badly damaged Pakistan’s relations with friendly countries, adding that the “cipher drama” fueled the fire.

“The attitude towards friendly countries is not hidden from anyone,” said the premier. He hit out at the Khan-led previous government for taking heavy loans and “bowing our heads before the world”.

The past government took steps on the most important internal matters of Pakistan, which created the worst atmosphere in the country and spread poisonous propaganda, the incumbent prime minister added.

‘Will meet Raja Riaz tomorrow’

Addressing the lower house, PM Shehbaz said he would meet Leader of the Opposition in NA Raja Riaz tomorrow (Thursday) to deliberate over the names of the caretaker premier.

Sources privy to the matter said that the much-awaited meeting between the premier and the opposition leader was to be held today but it was postponed due to the latter’s busy schedule, as he is unable to meet with the prime minister today.

Earlier, when asked if there was a deadlock between him and the premier, Riaz denied any such proposition.

“There is time for three days, during which consultations will be done together,” he said, adding that the names for interim premier will go to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) if there is no agreement on the three names.

Riaz insisted that he would ensure an agreement on one name with Premier Shehbaz. “All efforts will be made to finalise the name of the interim PM with the prime minister.”

Hailing coalition partners for economic stability

Earlier today, PM Shehbaz — while addressing the farewell meeting of the federal cabinet — said praised all coalition partners for showing maturity, sincerity, dedication, and loyalty to the cause of bringing economic stability to the country.

He also stressed the need for ensuring national unity saying that it was vital for the socio-economic development of the people of the country.

The premier said that the political leadership of the country set aside all their political differences and worked diligently to bring the country out of sheer crisis.

During the 16 months of government, which he said was the shortest government in Pakistan’s history, the coalition regime endeavoured to serve the people of the country.

The government, PM Shehbaz said had to face a big challenge of flash floods that hit most parts of the country, especially in Sindh and Balochistan.

But the way the federal and all the provincial governments worked together to bring the country out of such challenges was really worth appreciating, he said. adding that all the institutions including National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), and Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) played a crucial role in the rehabilitation process after the natural calamity.

He also thanked the role of then-army chief General (retd) Qamar Javed Bajwa, Minister for Climate Change Sherry Rehman, Minister for Economic Affairs Ayaz Sadiq, Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal and Minister for BISP Shazia Marri who worked as a team during the rehabilitation process in the flood-hit areas.

The premier said the government had to face another huge challenge of inflation that affected the common man very badly. He said the dominant reason behind the high inflation was the criminal negligence of the PTI government which badly damaged the overall economic structure of the country.

The PM further said the coalition partners fully supported the government in taking tough decisions such as raising petroleum prices and sacrificing their political gains for the sake of the country’s stability and development.

PM thanks China

With regard to the agreement with the IMF, PM Shehbaz said all the stakeholders, including the minister for finance, contributed towards reaching the agreement.

He also thanked China for supporting Pakistan in such a crisis saying that without its support, the agreement with IMF was not possible.

“Chinese Premier Li had told me that he himself had talked to the IMF Managing Director to support Pakistan,” he said adding that during the previous four months, China had rolled over a loan of $5 billion for Pakistan.

Recently, he said a high-level delegation of China visited Pakistan that gave the impression that Pakistan is their best friend and will do anything for it.

The delegation had officially announced the second phase of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) under which various projects in agriculture, IT, Industries and export sectors would be launched.

He said the coalition government had completed many projects in Gwadar in the shortest possible time that were lingering for a long time.