27 October the darkest day of Kashmir’s history, say speakers at webinar


28th October 2020

A webinar was organized today by the High Commission for Pakistan, Ottawa and the Consulate General of Pakistan, Toronto to observe Kashmir Black Day. The event was held to observe 27 October as the darkest day of Kashmir’s history as Indian forces landed in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir on that day in 1947.The webinar was addressed by senior officials and experts including Sardar Masood Khan, President Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Mr. Raza Bashir Tarar, High Commissioner for Pakistan, Ottawa, Dr. Fozia Alvi, President Humanity Auxilium, Dr. Zafar Bangash, Director, ICIT Toronto, Mr. Farhan Mujahid Chak, Associate Professor of Political Science, Ms. Karen Rodman, Executive Director Just Peace Advocates and Mr. Robert Fantina, Political Analyst. Mr. Abdul Hameed, Consul General Toronto, moderated the event.During his address on the occasion, Sardar Masood Khan, President AJK, said the United Nations was not showing leadership in the filed of diplomacy and currently no dialogue was taking place between Pakistan and India. He suggested that Kashmir movement may be turned into an international mass civil rights and BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Movement. He drew attention towards the multilateral diplomacy as a possible mechanism for resolving the dispute. He also highlighted the need for effective communication to support the legitimate rights of Kashmiris to self determination. He underlined that India had been distorting facts about Kashmir and an effective communication strategy can help us counter it.High Commissioner Raza Bashir Tarar referred to the lack of political will on behalf of the international community. He said that the international civil society seemed to be ready for the advocacy of Kashmiris. The concepts like “responsibility to protect” should not be used selectively as the international community is not ready to protect Kashmiris. India is trying to project itself as a candidate for a permanent membership of the Security Council but there is a yawning gap between the ground reality and its aspirations. He said Kashmir is the world’s longest running conflict, acutely dangerous flashpoint and one of the most militarized zones in the world. He said that Hindutva ideology fueled by the dangerous doctrine of Chanakya is a serious threat to regional peace and security.Other panelists appreciated the resilient and brave people of IIOJK who have stood up to the Indian atrocities even after a long torturous period of 73 years. They expressed serious concerns over the demographic change in IIOJK being attempted by the RSS-BJP regime of India. They noted that IIOJK will change for ever as the fake domicile certificates are being issued to non-natives for reducing Kashmir’s native, indigenous population into a minority in the region.Link to the webinar is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD_n4j-AKOE&t=2431s