CGSS, Azerbaijan embassy discuss further cooperation


ISLAMABAD (DNA) – The senior management of Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad including Major General Syed Khalid Amir Jaffery (Retd) – President CGSS and Lt Col Khalid Taimur Akram (Retd), Executive Director, CGSS arranged a online meeting  with  Ali Alizada – Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan and diplomats of the Azerbaijan Embassy including, Mr. Samir Guliyev – Second Secretary & Deputy head of the Mission &  ElchinMehdiyev – Third Secretary, from the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Pakistan.
The online meeting was arranged to discuss future avenues of collaboration between the Azerbaijan Embassy and CGSS.
The Ambassador appreciated CGSS efforts to strengthen Pakistan-Azerbaijan ties through various initiatives like extensive research related to different sectors of Azerbaijan.
Furthermore, it is decided that CGSS and Embassy of Azerbaijan will collaborate on subjects of mutual interest for more engagement and connectivity between the students and academia of Azerbaijan and Pakistan. It is high time to strenghten the cordial relations between the two countrie’s.