Chinese NGOs donate 20,000 masks for local businessmen 



Islamabad, Oct 19 – All 20,000 masks donated by Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (BPAFFC) and other Chinese NGOs, were distributed to local communities in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

All Pakistan-China Friendship Association (APCFA) received the masks after customs clearance and distributed the masks to local communities’ members including health workers in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. APCFA also distributed masks to pedestrians on streets who haven’t worn masks.

According to Gwadar Pro, recipients received the masks with much thankfulness and pleasure. They believe that those masks are useful and meaningful for Pakistani people, especially in the severe pandemic period.

APCFA wrote a letter to BPAFFC, saying “We are happy to receive from our friends in China – BPAFFC, Beijing Minhe Foundation for International Exchanges and the Beijing NGO Network for International Exchanges the timely donation of 20,000 medical masks as a token of people–to-people friendship and steadfast support to us in Pakistan.

We convey our special thanks to BPAFFC, the Minhe Foundation and the Beijing NGO Network for International Exchanges for their outreach and efforts to organize with the Embassy of Pakistan in Beijing and the Pakistan National Disaster Management Authority-NDMA the transportation of the masks on special NDMA flights despite the restricted air travel in the pandemic times.

It is a testimony of the two countries’ true friendship that is rooted in the hearts of their people.”

“We will continue to stand resolute and united in these demanding times, for together we are stronger,” wrote in the letter.