Mujib-ur-Rehman Shami to head APNS govt-press relations committee



KARACHI: Veteran journalist and analyst Mujib-ur-Rehman Shami will be heading the Govt-Press Relations Committee of the All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS). While another veteran journalist Aslam Kazi shall head the Arbitration/dispute resolution committee.

Earlier, “The President, Nazafreen  Saigol  Lakhani and the Secretary General, Sarmad Ali of the All Pakistan Newspapers Society had requested Mr. Mujib-ur-Rahman Shami to head the Government Press Relations Committee of the APNS as Chairman.

They had also requested Mr. Muhammad Aslam Kazi to be  Chairman of the Arbitration / Dispute Resolution Committee. The members nominated on the committees are as under : 

1) Government Press Relations Committee

1          Mr. Mujib-ur-Rehman Shami     Chairman      Daily Pakistan

2          Mr. Sarmad Ali        Vice Chairman         Secretary General, APNS

3          Mrs. Nazafreen Saigol Lakhani   Member    President, APNS

4          Mr. Imtinan Shahid           Member        Sr. Vice President

5          Mr. Muhammad Aslam Kazi       Member        Vice President

6          Mr. S.M. Munir Jilani        Member        Joint Secretary

7          Mr. Shahab Zuberi Member        Finance Secretary

2) Arbitration / Dispute Resolution Committee

1          Mr. Muhammad Aslam Kazi       Chairman      Vice President

2          Mr. Asif Zuberi        Vice Chairman         Daily Business Recorder

3.        Ms. Nazafreen  Saigol  Lakhani  Member        President, APNS

4          Mr. Sarmad Ali        Member        Secretary General, APNS