Pakistan diaspora of France urged to remember oppressed Kashmiris of IIOJ&K during Eid ul Adha prayers


Paris 31st July  2020. Charge D’Affaires a.i. Embassy of Pakistan, Paris Mr.Muhammad Amjad Aziz Qazi has extended his warm wishes to Pakistani diasporain France on the occasion of Eid ul-Adha.

In a message issued today, Mr. Qazi called upon the community members tocelebrate this Eid while observing health safety guidelines of the Frenchgovernment on coronavirus pandemic. 

He urged them to demonstrate solidarity and support with Kashmiris in IndianIllegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, whose fundamental human rights arebeing grossly violated by the Indian security forces, with even greater intensityafter the military siege imposed on the region since August 5 last year. 

He also said that Pakistan’s government and its people remain fully committed tothe Kashmir cause. Pakistan will continue to extend diplomatic, political and moralsupport to the Kashmiris in their demand for self-determination in accordance withthe resolutions of Untied Nation Security Council. Pakistan will also remain thevoice of conscience in the world for the rights of Kashmiris brothers and sisters.